The question has been impressed upon me, as per whether I thought that what I am doing was adequate. I do however think it is working, it could be better naturally, since this is all a product of working my career in terms of economic recovery from the 2008 crisis and a good place in the future. It was an economic crisis and the Public always thinks that each and every person was a business man in such circumstances, they will put resources in to experiment because they were involved in the cycle of wealth and distribution of wealth but only the real business men will be left when the process is completed, that said, it is the duty of the Government to provide the safe environment for the experiment to take place and I have done my part on that. It could have been better as per a portion of the resources that people have put to this experiment had ended up in the hands of Celebrities who spend it on gimmicks that trash the jobs of those who have already got Careers.

I have been said to behave the way that I did because I thought people did not like me, which is not the case, it is the people liking me bits that factors into my feelings towards the destruction of my work, social life and property by Celebrities making sure the career does not mean anything to anybody, no matter what I did with it and the society gits maintaining their access to me by trashing my finances, both organising crowds that would support their processes. It is a matter of my life looking a mess which was fixed by somebody and there was a time that it was fixed for good measure. So what we are doing involved a process where it is a mess again and the mess was the result of these gits having a need to pick up instances where I was seen pursuing something with a sense of urgency, to sort out their profitability for their abusive sense of entitlement – the society ones ensured that I got to work for them during a process of handling something I felt challenged by, the Media and Celebrities just made a mess of my entire life each time it was fixed, so that I continued to feel challenged and was driven towards violence while my Bookshop stalled, even boasting that they knew there to be consequences to those activities but I was not significant enough for those consequences to apply.

I do not think it a crisis at this stage, so far the Publicity has been completed on the business of whether or not I will get my hands on the stupid patriarchy and then it will no longer have been a matter of being told what to do with women but a matter of what people did with it when they could get the head around their stupidities like I do. The other question which shows up in this areas is that of my view of Americans; which is largely a matter of looking for Americans who expect to get involved with British people that are compatible with their dreams or worked for them – in my case I believe I had found them, it turns out the ones I am compatible with spend a lot of time and energy living the American dream, like a 15 year old with an internship, college work, home schooling and maybe a part time job as well, the problem which then arose in terms of character that claimed they wanted to resolve an old civil rights problem. We are now living in an environment where American foreign Policy is made to disadvantage Americans that are compatible with my dreams, so if they believed I was working against Russians for them, I needed to withdraw from what I was doing and let them sort it out by themselves etc.

I. Uno I

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland