It is then said that I once used to support the life of men gimmicks but have simply recently decided whom and what I believe should be blamed for it – no part of this is based on reality either way, as it would have been impossible to recover from their gimmicks at the academic environment and processes of whipping my bum to show I am a failure and a dunce while their silly children were geniuses endlessly, wrecking 3 years’ worth of Bookshop work which has made me a very happy person as added to what caused my temperament changes with respect to the destruction of my academic pursuits earlier and so putting up with it while I appear to be a character that does not get paid when I work due to the fact I have to rebuild the Bookshop has meant that ignoring them is not a viable solution to a problem. The perceptions which create this sense I once used to support them while they hate everything that I am because I am constantly suspicious of their motives, especially as it is usually great servings of uncertainty for others when their wickedness has permeated mainstream living, is that when a person had taken a wider view of the way that wealth should be distributed, the automatic assumption that people make is that he is on a trajectory to end up with matters of macro economics and then should I do the pile it high and sell it cheap routine, they decided I was part of society people and worked in a way which expressed the idea I was a Man wading social problems.
I am told I still did not have much control with respect to my career which is not the case as the laundry list of gimmicks was mainly hinged on a bunch of goons stalling my financial well being with silly responsibility they imposed on me with media and blackmail, all problems caused by a need to put themselves in charge of matters they knew nothing of, especially the Politicians who think their corruption had matured so well, that no matter what happened, they would get away with the Money. My disposition of information concerning reasons these matters always ran off and got around in circles, is that I studied the law and am engaged with the law, I mean I studied a combined subjects of law and something else not least to mitigate the idea that learning the law whilst engaged with the Monarchy usually came with unforeseen problems but I engage with the law mostly at this stage because of a sense I am always being robbed, orchestrated by Celebrities who had a problem with crime control publicity, such that the idea I did not control my career was a product of getting around with celebrities that did not, whilst they engaged in a gimmick of exposing my secrets and picking up my income margins, investigating what they were getting as alternative to the business of producers picking them up due to an involvement with my Office revealed that claims somebody was in league with communists to get money off Americans was more attractive. We all know how it will turn out, that once they were done trashing law enforcement publicity, the gangs will take over the neighbourhoods and they will be the only persons that were large enough to keep jobs whilst unable to protect anybody from the gangs who needed other peoples incomes to feed their habits and kill people etc all together I am not as a matter of their need to put themselves in charge of my affairs, drowning in their insults, especially those that highlight they needed services from me more so because they were unable to make these quasi criminals, despite how superior and clever they were, take more risks with personal safety over their own career and had stopped working people who showed up here to make a mess and complain later that I caused them to take more risks with personal safety over the way I organised my career, because I have had enough of their abuses, not as they would claim, that I dithered and considered it the wrong thing to do. I am in control of my career naturally – the business of claiming somebody else, even myself, was in league with communists to get rich fast, the business of getting me to fight some communists and the business of famous idiots leading social twats to pick up my career publicity and get me to tidy up a mess caused by their gimmicks, having had an effect on the public, such that people were unable to carry through their civil activities, as a measure of how important they were and ways they could make me do as they wanted is not what I am doing with my Bookshop or doing for a living; we know their gimmicks had since arrived at a stage where they wondered why I was never afraid of them which was a matter of their need to threaten me whilst playing my personality back to me, in their world of happiness on the red carpet for the activities of rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers, which is obviously nothing like Royalty last we checked, then also the abuses and insults channelled at me which had gotten me to use my better public image as a tool to build them a public profile for it, so that need to get up on Media equipment and pass insults at those who buy those equipment for the home to be abused by them, may easily grow into a public crisis that engulfed them too, tended to like the way I tackle the politicians by making sure that on living on unemployment support, I always only received the most basic but received it for a period of years to ensure it hurt properly, to highlight the problem, ensure that they always knew where the door was located. In the end the idea that they ought to cling to my property to get rich suggesting others were in league with communists in order to get money from Americans is said to me damaging and yes, it is, as it is an attack on my Trust i.e. an outcome where people took advantage of the fact I am single to hang about somewhere accessing my mother of the bride and mother of the groom matters that would become Official royal business upon getting married, in order to get rich, which is usually the beginning of a response from me as well – all together, I need to secure a method that allowed me to extract the physical cash associated with my equity and property equity, I needed to find a way that allowed me to do that, as for my Office encouraging economic growth and various other matters, I had since arrived at a stage where I wanted these goons to play these games on me because it brought me so much success on the applicable issues. As for the threats and ideas that I will come to a bad way at some stage, I cannot remember a time that turning their love for very abusive Machiavellian Politics that they appear not be to be prepared for in my case, had failed to achieve a result where people got seriously hurt or killed – apparently they loved it so much and will use media abuses to mitigate the associated fall out that affected them - now they say they wanted to go home and that is ever going to happen when they had stopped (reading my birthdate star sign) goading me over my public control matters as it were.