November 29, 2014
I hear of this tales of how I play around with peoples wives and I would never understand what it means, the idiots that are taking over a Royal Estate in order to use it to feel pampered and special; all I know is that if we imagined that I had decided to let my case with their women go despite the fact we have come full circle on this issue time and time and time again, we all can imagine the securing of fame and fortune based servitude for big business for me will be the least of my worries in terms of what they will do next – so it is here to stay, whatever it is I am doing with their women and they should be wiser the next time besides which all these can be averted if I do not see them anywhere near my job and finances and book sales any one more time from this moment which again does not seem to show any signs of happening as well. I mean the big case here is that people do not like me and their lives but for my involvement would be a good life, that is what they say, what they do says something else entirely e.g. in order to ensure their cars are as important to me as God and Church are I must be made to face so many problems that it gets to define me while the financial problems then eventually squeezes the fact their cars are good out of me which will mean that it has joined the ranks of things like Church and God as good and therefore being the same as Church and God means their car is worth the money they paid for it – so it is clear they are very good at provoking people and looking for trouble and what I do about and with them is here to stay as well, so I assume those who raise this issue must be talking about this otherwise they are wasting their time. I understand playing with peoples wives cannot be justified according to them of course but that is whether or not I catch them wrecking my finances and exasperating me in order to spice up their sex lives with my personal life or indeed spice up their love lives with the presence of God around me – it is only seconded by community croons spending all their time to counter everything that is a temperament around me which is concerned with a condition of dedicating myself to service at Church and State and when it happens I get completely taken over and cannot control what I get up to but it soon gets better because the actions of the community croons mean idiots make celebrity fame and fortune abusing me while their actions get to mean their bone head children spice up their sex lives here as well which is one of those occasions that convinces me somebody needs to die and we hear of it soon enough after as it were. I understand it happens because they are bigots and the problems it creates for me at the company which they claim does not exist and will exist if they say so with that big mouth is astounding but it does not matter that much if they can stay off my books and buy the bloody products that are put to them by the firms as well and do so my way or their own as it were. I am I am for example comfortable with female journalist, there are reasons for it, it is not unexplainable and the reasons behind it are that when I dedicate myself to God, Church and Country I asked for an exception, of course I am aware it is a route by which every twisted goon that wants to get involved with me will take a chance and it is much the same with the male ones that will follow them after getting to a point where they speak about my destruction of my own tiny fighting little army base: same old case being that if I want a celebrity service I will let the Celebrity I am getting it from know about it and if they do one and it benefits me I will let them know too.
Personally I should declare the way it works is that I am an obsessively private person and when people do these things I get taken over because it is like being where they are having sex with their spouse and then having them ejaculate on me – they do say intrusion with my faith feels the same way but they started by punishing their children when they take up faith, morals and religion without the persons concerned consulting them first so they might feel powerful in their evil city where people don’t care and later get to talk nonsense at me about love and the effects it has on their children’s chances of being successful but now we have this need for them to be rich and famous happening around my income and those children are spicing their sex lives with my personal life too and as a result of which I can therefore justify all the punishment I dish out too not least because of the insults and lots of proposition of financial dominance that never ever goes away changing every single time to match every single mood that is meant to avoid it to be enforced by Politicians that follow it and although I have always made sure I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Christ the reality is that their children intrude into my concerns because they are as evil as their parents are and need to get involved with my gospel to get their parents to do these things for them.
So when it comes to other important matters of Office we will have been talking about the governments new anti-terror laws which prosecutes people for travelling to Syria for example; I wouldn’t know anyway, it is never up to me what the government does with its laws and to protect the borders but I am not changing anything I wrote about people travelling off to Syria here either because we continue to behave as if Muslims and the Middle East due to their Egalitarian societies and its lack of taste for public life are to be suffocated by the rest of the West then turn out to wonder why Terrorists behave the way they do and people behave in the Middle East the way they do whereas for others it is entirely sound behaviour that matches the circumstances – I mean in the Middle East even charity work is done is an egalitarian way and it has developed over hundreds of years that even help must be done through the route of getting in touch with the head of the family which is most of the time the chief bread winner and those who know this and apply a bit of imagination to the kind of public life people who live in that way would have would not end up with any problems with them at all – hence it should be said so people can understand why they do view western civilisation as the enemy; for me personally I have no idea how we can curtail terrorism when it is not the Muslim Governments that are doing it anyway and we can see the honesty in their activities have already developed into a point where the biggest terrorist threat is a self proclaimed state – all I am saying is that I am not going back on anything I said as I did say them for very good reasons for my part too; in retrospect, these guys are very successful people and I have not eaten anything else but Halal Meat for the last five years for example, so if your meat products come from that part of the world for that length of time you are not that detached from the realities – besides which I have rented homes from two three Muslims in my time in the UK one of them a Mediterranean Muslim and the other was a Middle East Muslim, one not sure where he comes from and the other maybe Lebanese.
Not forgetting Scottish independence of course which is in the same family and is all over the place with people talking nonsense about Scotland changing when in actual fact the reality there is that people are ignorant about the matter at hand which arms these idiots with means of insults that moves people out of their comfort zones for their stupidities and the fun of it – with new talk of Scotland being on its way to independence when we all know it is a Country that is to interwoven into the UK that it will find it impossible to exist on its own like most of the quasi states we see all over the Middle East and the Wars associated with them but on more immediate matters, a normal person would conclude that a high turnout for independence vote while the rest of the Country voted against it is a sign that Independence was persuasive but not decisive and should be taken into account but these Scottish Nationalists are clearly not in any way normal the crime wave crew, are they after all? The issue of what my view of what the Police does of which does not matter on any occasion anyway – we all know that when people have made themselves into social menaces it means money is to powerful they will defile you in every way from a distance and make sure you are running chores for them all be it by fantasy but the result will always be that there has to be a bigger gang somewhere that has been stirred up by them who will then kill them start something big and bad for everybody and if that does not happen they become kingpins who kill people all over the place because of their needs and get away with it, so that either way the Police have to risk their lives to deal with things they believe they have manipulated everybody into thinking they can do in public and establishing their own pervaded church with its version of the gospel is not exempt from their choice of means in any case either, the difference being when they have become Kingpins or drug lords every Police officer murdered in action or not is a trophy victory that encourages them further – so it is never fair to say that when those occasions arise where they have to face the Police as a result of being a nuisance at some point and their actions determine if they live or die that day, it is some form of racism – it happens everywhere on the planet and is not unique to the UK or the US. The Scottish independence ones are just here and there and everywhere telling tales and lies and lots of things they can do to ensure they chose self improvements and make claims on things that don’t belong to them around the premise of those who don’t like the idea of a Country that belongs to them in which they are in charge and others are not and thinking it is a credible excuse to take peoples possessions and work it out whatever it is they come up with as they go along, it’s never clear which part of sovereign will of the people they do fail to understand anyway.
Like the old case of people thinking they are a problem for me all the time when in actual fact the reality is the same as ever i.e. that they get out of bed to think about a gap in market they can find and take advantage of to get rich very quickly i.e. big businesses make products and then you can take advantage of what they had overlooked to help the customer with a small cheap product that sells very wide and very fast and very far and then make your millions, which is not an issue except that they believe there are people whose existence in the picture of the world must be wiped because their success and person plugs those gaps they would have found and located to make their millions with and this is a very rare form of wickedness, not a lot of people can blanket think about handling others in that way. The difficult issue is that this story of my success and person plugging a gap they need to take advantage of to make a million or two was made up by the media and the twist in the tale is that the same media that makes it up is associated with them, so it does mean they tell themselves these lies and then they believe it and I don’t want to see any effect of them here especially the culture and society which I will not fail to rip to pieces if I am given such a displeasure at any stage and at any rate. It does not mean I am suggesting they are not dangerous people, they are an evil that never gives it a rest but there are specific things that wind me up like their fanaticism of communism meaning that it is their definition of freedom that will rule people in the democratic world where they live – they do that because they are not content exasperating religious people and the state so that when they get killed they lean on whomsoever has the best personal life, they are also keen to ensure that communist governments turn on the innocence in their Countries and persecute people for being people if anything were to happen to them – so far what has been happening is that when they get shot by the Police they claim it has to do with me and I can never work out if they expect me to tell them or others that the Police is or have been racist and so on anyway. I don’t think it is an issue for my part – they need to keep off my books and buy the products that the Industries have created for them to look into their needs with and stop causing trouble around my Empire – yes I hear the millions they bother me with will never run out no matter how much I batter it but I wonder if it means my Royal Estate will run out depending on how much they batter it as well; just like I said, it is an evil that never sleeps and I do entertain those stories about me being an illiterate perhaps because I enjoy the trivia; the reality is that I know it is primarily insulting and discriminatory in the first instance – I am actually a law student and they have continued to claim that my legal career plugs a gap they had located in order to make a quick million or two from the oversight of the Industries which is how I got to take out the book writing projects to plug it indeed so they can tell the difference and we can see they are still turning up here to make more noises especially the blacks and the younger ones especially when they are the kind that are related to tyrants in Africa and the Middle East never ever think they want to give their insulting anti-Semitism a rest when it is not leading to more serious matters. I always say this is not a complicated matter and that baffles people all the time but it should not be – what they seek is not how they were born and not how they were raised and not even their kind or type, clinging to mine the way they do means I cannot have a relationship with my parents and siblings and I want them off my public life to that effect i.e. we still live in a world where everybody cannot be famous, hence it does not bother me in anyway – if I want them off it I will make them and we will hear the tales and if they want me to make them again they will get on it again generally and make themselves a nuisance, end product being some will get hurt and it will be my doing. I know this is my public life and not their own and that the popular culture thing is what it is but if I do feel it is a problem and want them to move without results, and then we have got a problem. They do say I cannot actually back it up but we all know what they mean is getting me to make a living from a cause while their civil rights idiots become Kings of the media where everything I do goes to somebody else and benefits others but based on what they have seen it is still not a question they have answered convincingly either, that it is such a good idea; I mean it’s the great old story about their civil rights – that when you are leading a cause and they feel it is important to them they want to value you in your absence and make money in that way, all the while making sure they never get involved until it’s all done and your biological clock has started ticking really hard; so this is not their public life and I don’t care what they were able to do in the 70s or the 80s or the 90s; it is an evil that does not sleep and the Communists are not going to do anything about it.
It’s not a problem for the Industries either – I do property equity brokerage with them and some basic level intellectual Property Administration, it does not prevent people from buying products they want on account they know me – so this is what they need to do as they keep off my books and live their own lives or I spin it up again and they get really confused themselves as well of which we all know the ending will not be so good either. It’s like that other story about how the UK is no longer a Christian society – whereas the reality behind their tales is that they want to get some revenge of unbelievers for some historic injustice that is blamed on religious people and it blows me away when we discuss it in parliament since it is clear it does not seek to solve anything while that is what people do when they work there; the reality on the ground of which is that even Christ himself was murdered and later on over the years every single one of his circle of friends were publicly slaughtered as well; it’s just that over time Christian teachings made sense to leaders and Kings and Queens and Politicians and they and the trouble making and wickedness got on the receiving end; so once they start I always simply shut down because I have no idea where it is going to lead anyway. They do put that story with their mad media all the time regarding whether or not the nudging me out and moving into my personal life, I say what I say so others can take it up and be famous in my stead, which isn’t the reasons I say what I say at all; I say what I say because I might spend hours praying but because they need a man, they need sex, they need beauty sleep, they need beauties to peddle for popular culture fame and fortune, it’s all gone even as I am praying and I have everything else that God has blessed me with except a body health that is in my mind while they make strange noises and issue verbose threats – now I am half Christian and half popular culture goon while they are half popular culture goons and half Christian unless they are going to blow their ears off. The rest do say what I do is always overbearing and overwhelming and so what is really important gets lost in translation; not true of course, the truth is that they are supposed to be out there making sure that their career evil people like to claim stands between them and what they want is doing what it is supposed to do, not spend a lot of time thinking I have written books and because I need to get them sold I need to be manipulated – I know what I am doing, they don’t – I mean if they ask these trouble makers they will hear somebody has taken their culture and society and will not give it back and I have explained I have done so because I have developed this need to have debates on account of the length of time they have spent here and the reality that I want to return to my world and my Office and my Church activities. It’s like the old story of when they claim people need their thick skins in order to help them survive in the world of their trade but of course it is the same issue we are talking about here – Royalty is vulnerable to media in the modern age and there is no occasion I come across women which does not end in an involvement with very angry men whose lives they have ruined because they were feminists and those men were religious on account my faith provokes them, implying that when they are women they are insult others in such ways, seek no other means of making fame and fortune, talk nonsense about women doing as they please and more so as much as they like of it too. The point is that they couldn’t take me on if they worked together and it is not my fault that I can catch them all.
In terms of the story of media bullying and robbery and how I am increasingly left behind, I have no idea which part of it is true anyway – I mean they are a people that will never stop getting killed over their need for wickedness, to handle others physically to the effect of their own ends and damage of other peoples possessions for example and it is not my fault I can catch them all either way; Politicians and Industry alike, Media and Popular culture in equal measure. We see their Politicians here in the UK speak of controlling migration from Europe and they do love to make out it is some kind of salvation when we all know they created the problem in the first place; this was a single market issue and was supposed to have been determined and managed by the market as well all together i.e. my little secret is travelling to the UK to live and work there and another will say yeah right, you should see what I got from Germany and then it will never be settled unless on the basis of what they achieved but the Politicians and their big mouth means the same old problem with consultation comes to roost and the more noise they make about migration is the more of a self fulfilling prophesy it becomes and so the more we hear it the more the migrants turn up because they think the Politicians are hiding something when the Politicians want them to believe the structures are strained. It is much the same with the economy in general, when they say the British are Lazy and David Cameron’s Party is the most notorious for destroying people’s property in the first place and doing some Germanic nonsense that helps trouble makers in Germany wreck British economy in order to have spin – so when we look back at all these problems they speak of that cannot be explained we fall back on the assumption that Politicians want to feel that respect from the general public is guaranteed and on a beck and call basis for them and then we will live like British the way we used to some ten years ago but when asked to stay off the personal life is when we hear the tales of the future of their Politics which I always say we will never get to the bottom of and need to look into the facts once again yet as it were. In terms of the European story, their spin has gotten to another level, where the fat insolent Tory boys now know where peoples penis and anus is for the Industries and like to pretend they are friends of Germany and enemies of the UK in terms of economy until they have what they want and that everybody likes cat figures like them more so thereof those who do want to express it all the time. So we get back to the case Europeans make about lazy British which can only be settled when you make analogies such as Qatar being one of the smallest in the Middle East but one of the most successful states which we would be if we were Middle Eastern Country i.e. we are doing what is in our size and capacity to do and by the way that Intellectual Property pillaging game that Germans are very good at along with Socialists and fat boys in the Tory party, those things do not come by when people are lazy, we were ahead and still are since they are now complaining about laziness which means we have come full circle. It’s the case of Germans suddenly realising they can manufacture goods and services to serve purchasing power and not market the way Americans do but what the Americans have is the American market that is so vast it kills companies and hence the formulae they adopt is man power + time + consistency = business and the result becomes the reality of the small innovators taking advantage of the huge market that exists due to their oversights to make their own millions which is what this fight with nasty talentless insolent Tory boys is all about over my book sales and earnings, the question then becomes what exactly Germany has got that is remotely like that save the European Union itself? As for the case of talking into me because their insolent fools believe they can touch people to make their dreams come true I have only one thing to say to all of them right up to the Prime Minister; shut it – you clown and keep going it’s all possible.
I am not living a useless existence they claim is an example of the reasons they do what they do, they simply think they want my company and my refusal will cost me dear with that big mouth that will get them into mortal trouble at some Tory point and as for the Labour Party, their playfulness is costing them jobs as well so we do have an understanding of what is likely to become a trend and I bet they have opinions about Polish Migrants too. It’s the same old story as an understanding with the Germans being pervaded by them to ensure Germany damages UK economy – the Royal Estate is okay, the Books are okay, the products are there, the Company is there, it even has a website, how difficult can it be to make yourself financially successful to avoid the wrath of the Tories? I mean you can do a door to door, you can pay somebody to do it for you, there are many more still – except these idiots think they must damage it with government office to get your attention and touch you all the time in the most defiling way if they want your attention with regards to what their rich friends want to do with you and hence this is all a process of making you suffer for not complying with their demands and they think they have that footing that supports that their big mouth I have to put up with all the time along with their stupid friends from Africa as well and my point is that they don’t and some Tory boys will die yet over my anus and penis before the situation improves too and as for Labour they will not get off my academic work and we are putting where it is heading to the test as well – so their Politicians should not get to talk into me since they are aware these things are going on otherwise we will put to the test what it is exactly they can do very soon enough too. I mean if you are a big company who wants the book sale business of a Royal Prince you can ask Mr Cameron so he can talk to me the way we know he talks to his bone head children thereof.
They do say I expect the Monarchy to come through for me on this matter but I don’t think so – I mean the insults of their stupid women who need to have communities of paedophiles and abused children alongside the men whose lives they have completely wrecked in a bid to get rich and do whatever they like, while having me on the other as the Christian that continues to exist in a way that means those things they hate about people can continue is what we are talking about – and so are we the every idiots that have been buying shares in companies large over the last decade in order to have access to me and handle and dominate me for their sense of pleasure and privilege with those stupid mature businesses they have no plans to look into starting with that stupid attitude is what we are talking about and the next time their Prime Minister leader of mature business idiots with an attitude who have a need to work on people instead of things to get rich and hence along with their African idiots know where my anus and penis is to conform what is their need to confiscate my writing empire talks into me, I feel so strongly about it I am convinced he will never get the chance again unless he is doing it with his bone head children – they need to stay off my books and loutish idiots buy the products that have been put out for them at the markets. It’s been 6 years since these idiots turned up to seek my literary empire that existed under the shadow of their various companies that have not been aptly compensated with a big mouth and the whole issue shows no signs of abating and I am not saying I am not itching for the next Politicians that will talk into me and kick of a real fight here either – I mean they ought to know the Empire and its Royal Estate cannot run out as well as it were. I mean top civil servant v EU Migrants, it stinks apparently – when we all know they can never be pleased with anything and that these guys simply spot an opportunity they want to do nothing else with except destroy; so that the reason the civil service is always against discrimination is the same old case of the fact jobs are out there looking for people and it prevents a process where the jobs find the people and the jobs get done. The whole of society is now split along the lines of average size people like me who are having the best sex and tall people that cannot enjoy sex anymore who need to exchange places in life and some have homes that are big and good enough for confiscation and I bet this is what they mean having me beaten up as well of which they can move into my right hand and live there again so we can find out what will happen thereof; I have mentioned before when they are using their own to do what they do or say what they say then we are okay otherwise we have a problem and they know it, the African idiots and their Tory fat boys know it. I mean they are popular culture and industries selling some while claiming I am being discriminatory myself with that big mouth – looking for trouble and then getting all over the place when they find it.
I understand it is said I try to make profit from my insanity by bothering the life out of others but this is not true I am not the one with such a motive, they are the ones that have power riches at the back of their plans pushing it along, they are the ones especially media that are out to make profit with their insanity the one where they do it over and over and over and the reasons the outcome is different is because when people check the atmosphere the meaning is that I am scared of them, so it does not do more so to hear them get on that media to talk even more rubbish. I have created a website for my Office and it seems to be impossible for those who read what I write on it to settle on what they have read because somebody is bullying them with media to such an effect and it is the same treatment for my books as well for good measure and it is not the first occasion I have been at the receiving end of their stupidity as the first one that continues to encourage their stupid children to create problems for the generation leaders of their age range that they created for the previous generation in a condition where they are the dominant power was the idea of earning some money to build a home for young people whom I will teach the gospel because it appeared each and every one that got involved with my way of doing things was going to be homeless as a teenager and later on troubled for the rest of their lives – they say it is how love distracts young people and prevents them from achieving their goals that makes them feel like responding to my actions which have nothing to do with them in a violent way, so I am only testing this story of me profiting from my insanity because I want to locate if they are finding it amusing so I can string their own as well otherwise we have an understanding here. The story of trying to attack celebrities is very well understood, what I have done here is surround myself with celebrities at the Royal Estate, some of them work for it and others don’t, what is clear of which is that all want to anyway – the reason being that they can carry on my legacy if anything happens to me and if not I will have kids and they will need a community to grow up in; if I am too busy to pick up important matters about my life and they do it for me as a celebrity service I will accept it and if I needed one I will ask them; what these trouble makers are supposed to do is get the same thing from their own celebrities not seen handling my office and its local and International precincts to get rich and famous every single day – I am mentioning it to make it clear when I have enough I know exactly what to break as it were, so they don’t tell me it is all amazing. As for the story of the wicked things the women do to me – the same old case applies that their stupid children cannot seem to listen to anybody that warns them about consequences associated with picking up my public work and then there are those of them that are really powerful that these women do forbidden fruit routine with which they tend to fall for every single time with their boneheads. The story of where black people fit into the picture is supposed to have been the end of the matter of making profit from my insanity of course i.e. I don’t have a family among black people and they have no plans to keep their distance yet so far until it leads to more serious outcomes, for now they are riding on abuses and intimidation that works on the gamble of what antidiscrimination laws can afford like that was their possession as well. They do speak of the damages I have done to them of course which I cannot work out anyway – the damages that have to do with how Obama built the new world trade centre which means black people created the modern world and must have the same things white people used to have beginning with special relationship British – I mean you hear that while they complain about the complete decimation of their world where they get out of bed to mess people up and secure servitude for big business, so I am not in any way of the opinion I have done that much damage.
I mean we do hear the story that my Royal position is becoming a mockery such is the manner of things that interest them; the reality of course is that Royalty matters where it does and does not where it does not and if they think it does not matter to them that is fine by me but it does not mean I must be insulted and abused to add to the damage they have done to my finances and public persona as a result in order to have their fun in the first place due to the reality it seems they cannot run out of an ability to destroy things which forges facts around those arguments that Monarchy is evil that have a momentum of credibility behind them which applies only to the mind of a fool as it were. All these things would have happened anyway one way or the other should One had been a celebrity only – the difference here is that I am a celebrity that is required to get stuck somewhere and worry about the state of human rights in the world and there is a big name attached aka Royalty and that is all there is to it – I mean if their need to interfere with my friends and Court was not so intense we would not be in this position in the first place but their insults are always far reaching enough to determine what women fit peoples size in a colloquial manner as a society which builds up a very abusive state of affairs that costs earnings and a livelihood while they turn up on media and Politics to bend my hand into helping up to even more means of making money – so we know their sense of right and wrong is flawed and that they can think of nothing but themselves, which is why they have not seen the last of me in terms of reasons to complain yet so far, bottom line being that they are always seen making slight comments about my work that cost me an income when they can get on without me if I am not so relevant and their Industry rich and celebrated trolls behave in the same way too looking for trouble all the time. All they really care about is whether or not they are guaranteed huge numbers of people standing around them to recognise them as leaders when they appear at the back of pulpits obviously but as I mentioned, Royalty does not matter but that does not mean people must be abused and insulted either – we have not actually talked about it in this way therefore they have continued to believe they can do and undo especially when it comes to the needs and activities of really stupid halfwit African leaders. With the females more interested in seeing me beaten up by men that are more than I am than any other stupid thing their foolish minds are interested in and I am running out of tolerance for their sense of disposition when it comes to addressing me when nobody is asking them around here, right down to what they and their idiots suppose they know about the size of my penis – I mean we hear less and less of those stupid international community and charitable wickedness nonsense these days and it can get a lot worse than that is a short period of time too – I am running out of tolerance.
I mean I have never been vulnerable to their games, about which their need to handle my books will be their undoing too as it were – the great old story now told in light of a public position standoff between Politicians and people such as myself, the reality being the same as ever that one party refuses to do what is right because it thinks it is in the Political ideology of another party to do it, so that when that party does work hard enough to win elections it might be used as a means of seeking out they who are believers in God and make vagabonds out of them because of their comfort within their personal lives as a result of it, while their idiots have a new found desire to attend Church that has never worked an illusion on me either – just another occasion where I will be told at some stage to hand over that my faith so somebody can keep it under lock and key because it is a lot of trouble which is usually why they are twisted and evil and their children regularly show anti-Semitic tendencies but they are Christians as well if none white but racist and Christians as well if white and this Country will burn again somewhere. It’s the same as the case I don’t pay attention to the plight of young people, when there are those of them who mark you out for making the offering and sit around being helped by Politicians and evil idiots like these to stalk you and wreck your finances until they are there when you are at your prime and are likely to get married and settled and no longer likely to change and then they will want to move into your right hand and live there and hold you to an offering you made which is why they cannot leave people alone and getting shot by the Police is racism: I don’t think it is a serious matter it’s just that when they work with their Politicians to set out those who have made an offering of help to young people in trouble and them follow it on for years wrecking everything in order to reach the point where people are married and settled so they can be made to fulfil that offering which leads to serious problems the Police has to deal with and then an occasion arises where an officer asks them a question and their behaviour results in their deaths which then has to do with me which I bet it does too – why on earth are we seeing them flood into Church these days anyway, so I can only imagine the result will be another occasion where my faith gets into people’s eyes and they need to be where it is happening so they can curb it which will end very well too yet again like it did before. I always get told it is a much deeper issue than I give my time for but it isn’t – the reality is that the blacks especially are always in a clique and in that Clique they are women of a certain age that can punish young men and have other bigger men that can do it for them if resisted which is deployed as the answer for everything around their need for civil and criminal disobedience around peoples possessions; it has been 14 years of enlisting everything from Politicians to international community in order to punish me like I am one of their bone head children or something and is coming to head as well; Christians do not want to be defiled like that – anus and penis and tummy and chest and everything filthy over absolutely every single move I make because of the presence of God around me which is now being systematically interpreted as something else by them all together using strange noises; I am sure they had read the Bible and know anus and penis play is not the kind of things you want forced on you every single second from neighbourhoods every time you have finished praying that then gets to a point where it needs to happen 24/7 and get really, really violent as well to ensure you are weaned off the prayer all together, while the personal life God blessed you with is being used by the same idiots to build a Popular culture that affords them their beauty sleep which they will squander and return for more in a condition where you no longer have the faith to give it to them so they can do what it is they are doing at present in a condition where you have allowed them take your faith away from you as well – so I always get told I take things completely out of hand but I don’t want to be defiled by them, it’s as simple as that and every occasion it happens will be punished until the temperaments are satisfied too and the sense there is an argument there for the powers of wickedness at my expense is dead – this is why I take this out of hand all the time and never give it up until I have my way with them too and they feel like my need to rip up that culture every time I see it must be further met with a need to touch my anus and penis and continue to get more and more violent when they do so every day as well, rather than leave me alone. Of course we do hear they need their thick skin especially the journalists who show examples of journalists being captured and imprisoned and even killed around the world and on but it has been 14 years of them as well and how a newly commissioned Royalty would be a plaything for Media and journalism depending on how much power they want: it’s been 14 years of sleeping with peoples wives, it’s been 14 years of being the guy who is responsible for putting them in such bad mood they withdrew money they wanted to give to some charity, it’s been fourteen years of all sorts as prerogatives for Politicians or Industry idiots who want to show their money will not run out on somebody that has little tolerance for it while they live off processes by which they extract an income from my Royal work, it’s been 14 years of them and their Media around here and yes they do need their thick skin, I hear what they say but it seldom makes sense to me, since it is something they always knew they needed all along – the Scottish independence heartland is something they support now in order to rebuild these means by which to ensure when they are a threat to me it is not a joke – so I can understand as it were. I mean why is it impossible for them to brew their wickedness and power thing that will make people fear them some other place but this Office anyway? They say I am concerned because they have power over me, I say this is not the 70s or the 80s or the 80s, they can always turn up for more and complain about their need for their thick skin later on; I am only saying it is an evil that never rests and likes to target me all the time and wants to develop its own version of my faith first to serve God how they like before it is at peace and I too have found a way around the stories Politicians tell that kicking them as well is a freedom and democracy taboo – it’s all up for grabs now and they can turn up and cleave their power off me. It is never true I am some kind of last hurrah for the growth of the Monarchy – I am the way I am because of challenges they throw up about how they must collect bits of me and lay them up somewhere so that social conditions and breeding might eventually produce people that can become Royals in the future from their part of life and society and I am saying they have not got it as well unless they are making sure I do not get to see it because I can guarantee a condition where it vanishes every time I do; it’s the 21st century after all and newly commissioned Royals will be vulnerable to the media so they have nothing to worry about. I mean everything that constitutes small gangs that can beat up those who mess with them has been broken to bits by me and they are still after it never the less, they even want Scottish Nationalism as replacement so we can see they have played their hand and need to keep blabbing too. My view of them is that they are people I must take an active role in ruling but some will say that is intrusive but it depends on whether or not I have a government office people can mess with in order to brew power for themselves; I mean they are the original bad company except that I am one of those things that have a lot to lose in a condition where I am helpless and they have much to inflict more so supported by the last few US Presidents and UK Politicians and so I need to have an intrusive method of Administrative leadership that will suit them as well. There are things from a government office that a playboy can deploy to protect himself while he does what he likes and gets away with it because he has those kinds of things, like arguments or procedure or even Royal Property and so on, so they will get it off me no matter what, that big mouth says by games or by force and this is what they are putting to the test in my view – before I got into their case for their thick skin in their line of work we were talking about something else. I am regularly told my approach to them does not reflect their true evil nature as well but it does not have to – I mean you have to think about a case where they want to deploy your office to have things playboys need to do what they like and get away with it for example and when you do not give it to them, your friends in the same trade must be the choice the boss has to make at work, which is how they have found a way to work their spin into all I do right up to my livelihood, so I am aware of how evil they are, it’s simply a matter of how they can go from there to the effrontery to tell me they need their thick skin due to their line of work. I mean for me it’s a case of the fact if I want to rough them up whatever gang protects them will be asleep the day I do it, so can understand the story of their thick skin thing of course – they need to keep off my books and stay away from me and the Royal Estate, stop thinking civil rights and social equality is a good enough excuse for a wickedness I am very, very familiar with since I am not a novice at what I do and am a Half Priest Government Operative; I understand the story of deviant Royals of course but that does not bother me at all – I mean the deviant parts of society want to get involved with me and cannot do without a corruption of involvement they can claim to be a new updated freedom that dominates my religion, then the deviant Royalty want to get involved with them more intensely than ever; it is either I am a genius or I couldn’t have had it any better. As I said it does not dent me in anyway – I mean their view of me is that of something inferior to them but this case of playing with every woman they train a camera on until we play and blow off the media roof so they can want their thick skin is an example of their superiority, so it’s a question of whether or not they have so far gotten the boss to chose between them and my Court yet as it were. We hear those tales that I never believe people when they report an issue but of course that is never what they do, what they do is weaken me against an enemy or problem and then turn up to secure servitude for criminals and organised criminals, Industries and Politicians, and pretend to manipulate me into dealing with the problems; it can be ignored but it’s the mannerisms and the threats that big mouth has never once backed up as well that seems to be the problem.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.