Please note I may not have paid a great deal of attention to my language on some occasions; it is an attempt to consign those language to history. Just as I have of a violent Nature to highlight the processes by which it is possible to get from feeling unforgiven for hurting another person to feeling justified for taking the life of another, much as it would be pretentious to avoid them completely if I were involved as I am, in controlling the abusive activities of the Famous. 

The Hermitage Administrative reasons for not Polishing these feelings are  that  not doing so draws up a complete understanding and  for Equity applicable , of what I have done to impugn Market separatism.

Mind some racial slurs, in context they mean nothing but never the less must be explained as a response to my position being incessantly compromised by people who also want everybody to think they do not need help from my exorcist and hence in a circular sense, need to become more responsible persons.

Disheartenment, faithlessness and inappropriate language statements have been set out here as a general platform for Villainy based Property Equity development, of which villainy is not considered to be a certain specific behaviour, act or art of human engagement detrimentally - their creative purposes require skill of application.

I understand it is said people wish to put an end to the business of me getting into trouble all the time because I am disrespectful and it is utter nonsense as well; what really happens is that Journalists and Celebrities and fame freaks think that they must do their jobs with the publicity I have built for my Books because they feel better doing it that way regardless of being told off all the time on account it makes me cash strapped since people are switched off the fact I am a writer selling Books whenever they do it and have no wish to stop. They do for their part make up their version of what the reality is, claiming its difficult for people to ascertain in a world where they want people to discuss problems with reference to my existence or generally abuse my person to feel good about themselves and the public problems that affect them, what people want from me but it has always been as simple as the fact I want all of their interests in me to translate into buying and reading my Books as it is bad for my health and so far for their as well when that is not the case – about which if I said that since I do not know how they would be affected, I had decided not to be pushy about it, there will be people behind me telling me I want a label to be placed on my life which shows me to be an ill news.








The story of hatred channelled towards me by Celebrities was never an emotive matter – but to clear up the issue as it tends to come up again and again; it is largely a story of some incredibly stupid people who think that the fear they would entitle themselves to my career and then I had to hurt somebody to get by, was some sort of power that they had over me, so annoyingly when I work it out of my career, they worked it back in with a big mouth. They claim I am weak which expressed the full extent of their stupidities naturally as the real problem is that each time I lost my temper, it showed up here to add my Royal Order to its ability to become bigger, stronger and to win its wars, support the armed services for a while and go on to do its own thing, annoyingly, with stupid American Celebrities picking up my assets to make their own earnings over it, while claiming it’s a criminal madness, was the part where it was a nice person, pretend they ordered my steps, talking rubbish about the way I will fight communists. It is clearly too self obsessed to change this story and shows up here all the time to pretend I will kiss its arse for a living which I would, if all of the gimmicks performed by idiots who rally people on my earnings over the gimmicks they expressed at the entertainment industry and makes it a matter of other peoples reputably built businesses, was completely solved, then I would kiss their arse and they would fight my wars. It would be nice when I set out ideas people acted in a criminal fashion and a celebrity did not contradict me with financial incentives, to seek out privileges of injustice that a stupid crowd will enforce on my personal life – originally we were content to have them complain more than I am about the intense insults and sexual misogyny.

They claim I can never run out of things to say on the matter which is not really the case – I simply cannot run out to things to say on something that is only likely to progress from father characters who had a right to interfere with other peoples enterprises as a matter of cultural entitlement and never do anything according to procedure, to the suggestion I am a bum who is allowed to interfere with their own important jobs, with no chance of agreeing to the fact that if they were keeping their salaries, the sensible thing to do, was to cease making comments about my career or stick only to facts when they did, seeing that the effects of their actions progresses a problems for me, from a process where I had to explain to Clients what I have been doing with my time over the years, as a matter of the importance of my Books, into something such as the Clients are not able to engage after I provided them with a service that created partnership because if they did, the practical jokes would ruin business for their employers. Nobody asked them to develop a matter of me scaling back my finances to get things done, into a total destruction of my purchasing power in the first place just as none asked them to solve a problem by building me a profile that suggested I am a bum or to show up here picking up what I did with it to make their lives easier which makes a complete mess of an environment built up for people to read Books but never stops because their stupidities were entitled. So it is clear that if they were clever people, the problem was that they thought they could exhibit any stupidities they liked by handling my career, hence what the problem actually is. In essence I am the one interfering with their concerns because the business of picking up my work to assist the armed forces for a while and go on to do their own thing with it was well hidden.

I am told this will go on forever and only stop if they had completely ruined me to feed their endless appetite for trivia but I am aware of this, responding to it is not my life, just something I did too and I can do it for an eternity because of which. I am aware it makes a complete mess of my finances as a matter of its extreme stupidities and the fact it was a wicked person, if it wanted to apply meaning to its gimmicks but the part where it goes on to put label on and describe me as a bum is beyond me completely, I mean when people needed to stop being irritating bums that the public pressurises to stop being irritating bums, they had an onus to respond to their gimmicks and it is so easy for the idiots to stop making comments about my a career which are not true. They do claim that I believed I was entitled to pick up a product and get money from the public which is utter nonsense as it is a matter of helping people boost their earnings and developing a work partnership with them to sell them a product – their bit involved National income being split down two ways, one part worked the economy, the other their trivia and it has actually now set me out as a character people bullied to get along with the wealthy or to arrive at arrangements during big business deals to make up for the shortfall, its stupidities at my expense being as simple as making comments that are not based on facts about what I am doing, it will not stop as simply as it looks, so I am going to end badly too.

They now claim I am losing everything at the Monarchy which I am not, just an alliance with their friend of gold diggers and thieves Heir to the Throne who will allow them to immerse other peoples lives in my own family Heirlooms and pass it down to somebody else because he could not get his own right – that said, the fact they even think of it and take it up is an indication they were incredibly stupid individuals or were narcissistically violent twats who believed they could do anything they liked with other peoples careers. They do claim I am this new hidden threat which I am not, as this is a matter about which the Monarch makes a decision regularly, so say somebody was good at something and the person should be given a task, so the history we have has been a result of somebody being given a task while the children was another idiots family were allowed to play with his Heirloom, professing their need to live in a world where they did not find the trouble they sought at the same time. The claim made is that the Queen took advantage of the Prince of Wales but if that were the case, it would mean that the older generation expects a certain assistance from the younger ones and that meant that the Younger generation were tied into learning, a system that took care of itself, that said, even if there was a vindictive method of taking advantage of others, it would still have left out a Prince of Wales in alliance with ageist gits who trash people lives and careers to make up for their financial shortfall after spending their youth in antisocial behaviour to look tough. In my case they have done their own attack of picking up my privacy to share with YMCA and public transport gits so they may cling to anything they wanted and finger my bum at will and I do not think they ought not to either, since it offers me the means to turn it on our 50 year royal problem heir to the Throne as well – mostly however it appears to be the way that they want to get by, threatening me would mean that I got to attack them for doing it as well. These goons are clearly no longer the society gits, popularity twats and foolish Celebrities at University, learning something and mitigating student costs, about which the way I got on with mine appears to have done something so embarrassing that it wrecked their neighbourhoods and destroyed their popularity, so it is not clear why they will not give me a break by themselves – hence the question of my financial failings of which there is really none, I scaled back the finances to assist the Government on issues which was to set out the civil service as a place to reflect the Policy to ensure a certain amount of the population were educated and that there were jobs available for those qualifications, they had to trash the finances completely and show up here with tax systems for the private sector, to collect money from the public using products and market, which has nothing to do with me, just like the eligibility for succession issues facing their future King. These are the facts we have seen without a need for an inside Man, if Monarchic leadership was tied to the personality of the Head of State, not my fault, not my problem.

So if they feel as if they had to share my privacy with YMCA and public transport gits, build a crowd to finger my bum even in my own bedroom, to get by, they are welcome but we hope there will be no complaints when I had picked the most profitable victims for me to incessantly and disobediently play such games with as well, once I am done with the working process; mostly I have warned it is just a bunch of insolent house proud twats who should have been public figures but are not and considering themselves people who know me well enough to dominate me and attaining thereof the right to be narcissistically violent towards me as they liked, when fucked it spends more money obviously. They claim I refuse all support that was being offered, all utter nonsense naturally, as I only refute the gimmick that show up here to get on my nerves, on seeing that each time they did, they were able to pick up my work to fight their own wars, support armed services for a while and go on to do their own thing. Then they say it is the Communists bothering me of which I cannot tell them about; the stupid Americans who were entitled to my earnings and built a profile for themselves that involved my publishers to trash my finances and make my kiss their arse for a living – the Communists who had more money than local British independent innovators – the Middle East oil industry twats with their insults and a version of the gimmick that involved corrupting my wealth equity to suck up to rich people, which changes previous state of affairs where they loved to wreck peoples lives and call people out for a fight but could not do any of the fighting when it kicked off. I mean if I said that the Country had £100, we spent £20 feeding ourselves which was going to the sewer, our method of making sure we raised our coffers back to £100 in 24 hours was under heavy assault for no reason. It’s the same process being levied at me – always the innocent self-justifying society gits with a history of fingering my bum to have me churn their tummy as well, after it takes up my time to make statements about bad things women did on my social life, getting a response which tore down everything they did to control the female population, seeing they were too old to begin over again – it starts playing with my Books and therefore my finances, my responses were exhilarating, they were a threat and it was all my fault, by noon the Celebrities were all over it and began their own process of inciting crowds to attack me as the effects their gimmicks had on them was my fault as well and this is how I am drained of finances every day, while it continues to perform what is really a process of being entitled by virtue of its culture to get involved with my career unprofessionally, time and again I hear their stupidities whisper the threats, but at some time we do see the gits show up to go for it as such – really likes it when it is me versus this and the process where it had to convince the world its stupid culture did not exist as a place where my career could go to vanish like a life altering gimmick, when I least expected it, then its stupidities will suggest it was culturally fittest, I was culturally detached, when it is not suggesting that its community was entitled to finger my bum because people have died from their insanity. In the end they can always build up those gimmicks where they copied their celebrities to corrupt my wealth equity and attack me to suck up to rich people, I allow them because of the two part story of how they will stop doing it and how the idiots who keep buying products people sold that way will stop abusing me with their foolish incomes, considering we would be doing none of this if the idiots showed up at a Bookshop to read. I have to let them attack me to befriend rich people and get rich fast because rich people were spending a lot of time these days, building themselves a privately owned tax system that served their purposes – products are not helping customers with leisure or helping customers boost the earnings, they make people work; I mean I heard this idea of a private sector tax system was ridiculously amusing and I think it is too – I have to allow it for a while but then it starts, always starts and I have reached a stage where I now need to look after the Books and let it look after me, needs find a real toy or I will find it one that will ensure it got to spend its entire life on gimmicks.


I do get told that although I don’t get along with Celebrities I will according to what is known of my career, require their involvement in my life but I don’t; I simply have to accept that if culture and media is being made as a matter of my influence, Celebrities will want to learn more about me if they are paid to deliver it to the Public but I shouldn’t have to select exactly which Celebrities got involved; if I said that I wanted to run down everything that allowed them chase their concerns safely and trash their careers to ensure they stopped making a mess of my social life and health in order to deploy my profession as a tool to boost their fame, it would have made sense of my Office and how they had no part in it but so does the many other things happening at a Hermitage which selects the Celebrities that get involved by itself. What happens then being these idiots pick up criminal interests in my concerns, build a media presence for it and run it off on me to provide an abusive leadership that will bend me to their will and give them unfettered access to the Royal Hermitage Office to make money by, but as soon as this messy business had affected their stupidities, another story emerged to say I was charged with security and will be punished for the fact they are not getting an adequate amount it and although they had other public roles, now had to pick up their own security because I was lazy. The boasting is that small Celebrities have taught us an unforgettable lesson which is utter nonsense as what really happens is that old case where Veterans are complaining of Politicians employing hoodlums to handle them in the field – such that it is said that it’s a problem the USA created and needs to solve while I appear to be all over it thereby creating new problems, while it simply decides for me what the threat of USA looks like: getting a real job does not appeal, it starts out like a perverted fascination with me that I am hiding secrets to wealth, then it starts off its own version of surveillance to keep an eye on me, complete with civil rights movements that complain about the security services while also setting me out as a character that can do something about it but choses to do nothing thereby making enemies of either side, it shows up to corrupt my state provided security and does the most abusive nonsense at my expense to ensure that I smell of what I ate 24/7 while it keeps up the hope of getting paid for its stupidities having become popular at my expense and I am left feeling sore all over while their stupidities had translated into an alternative source of happiness by which customer confidence may be built.

I do get told this is really about Political instability and yes it is; the people responsible have never once come up with a good idea for running the Country whereby it can be said that it was a drop in the world of those who have to develop ideas on how to run the Country for a living but they have trashed my career because of a Country that existed in their heads. They do say I come up with ideas on how to run the Country as well which I don’t as it would have added up to a security risk, what happens with me is that I am involved in primary Governance and mainly a matter of reassuring the Public on some matters, especially with respect to getting people in line but these other people have issues with me because I am unhappy about the way my career is trashed to make sense of what they want while they have never once produced an idea on how the Country should be run, save informing everybody they had a Country in their minds. They claim I have been interfering with the interests of Nationalists but I have not – it’s a simple question of how much I got to punish them for the mess they made of my life and career while they have not produced a single idea to help run the Country, I am not interested in what comes as a result of the fact its not a crime for people to despair about the way the Country is being run and it is not what the Law of the Land looks like either. I do it all the time; first it makes money and wants to use it to oppress people, then ends up in the various disposition associated with the fact the money is part of the same market, fiscal and monetary system; so it decides the only way to oppress people is to damage property and hang about looking like each time it makes money somebody is being oppressed and then when it gets down I set off a string of events that produce an outcome in which it ends up being British, I end up being British and it can really then make sense of its own gimmicks. They say if they showed ideas they had about how the Country should be run, they will give it away to those who are currently running the Country but so have they picked up ideas that those who are currently running the Country think has been given away because they were able to access it, which helps them make sense of the reasons the rest of us are bias. So I do get asked what the solution would be and its an old story, the same story that goes back as far as we can remember; a group of people set about talking over our heads, we end up being able to make sense of what we are saying to each other and the result is a state of mind that is unable to make sense of how diverse freedom is, while the other goons with their abusive Fashion, Media and Celebrity were a group of people who were asking for it and simply wouldn’t stop looking like that. People have always engaged in Political instability because of Greed; it does not know what it is doing, will never do what you told it to and when it gets into trouble fiddling with a job you are already doing, knows exactly whom to blame and is backed up by a Crowd; normally I have gone from a character that stole personality that should rightly belong to Politicians, to a character that should be getting into a fight with gangs and criminals in order for career crime women to feel more comfortable and now they believe that once they were done trashing the health, I may get involved with Uniform service and make myself a gift to the enemy, so they have come up with ideas to hang about somewhere being clandestine sources of power, sending out their minions to tackle me everyday - the entire time, the Industry bits want to be the means by which peoples pulled me in several directions, such that by the time I brought myself back into order, I had lost something very important.

There is eventually this question of me thinking I can walk on water when it comes to the women, but it is utter nonsense as women that I feel comfortable with do not think my actions and activities are abusive. Some will claim they have been having anal sex with me, which allows the society abuses to get completely out of hand for instance and these goons will get involved, soon there are claims that I do it to them am increasingly becoming a Public menace while we have never made contact in our lives – then there is the main cause of the tummy problems which is not my responsibility in anyway i.e. the idea that an Arch Prince’s personality was never special and that there was an alternative to the abdominal pain that comes with a process of getting involved with me while passing around abuses that they were out of my league, short insulting videos they claim added up to advertisement, at the same time which they do not ever want to be separated from me, they will want to pocket me and then I will be their own for all eternity, being that what happens to their appetite and social health is not my responsibility, the idiots also have a need to cling to my public image and get their imagination finger up my bum, proving they were a handful of mean cunts naturally. We find the men facilitate the same things, they have built me a media bubble that comprised of various points at which they picked up my public service to pass off as something else, eventually building up to a character and that version of me is doing some real damage which is the reason I want them to shut it down, but they had been clear that was going to be a problem. In the real world, the claim is that I suggest I can handle the women but have never been with one and it is not the truth either; the truth is that they make a mess of my concerns and underestimate that I can make them rectify it – in the same world, some women think that involvement with me is more like getting involved with another woman which is ridiculous. The consequences of these people’s insults and believe in their own entitlement, right down to the short insulting videos they claimed added up to advertisement, mixing with an obsessive need to handle me, make use of my person or get involved with my concerns because it felt like a place they never wanted to depart from, are not my responsibility but the violence that their popularity stupidities brings is set to run this matter through to some very serious consequences: first time round was the career and finances being trashed by a process where I was lumbered with the throes of sex, second time was the revenge that was due to me because of how I responded to being lumbered with the throes of crime, now it’s just daily violence and bum fingering to get what they want or provide a provision environment that facilitated it and the mockery is set to develop the stage that decides like an undercurrent what the temperaments of the consequences I shall dish out next will be.

Then I am said to be a character that makes a mess of his life and set about blaming others, it is utter nonsense naturally as most of what I got up to was a matter of the way my studies had orientated me with a legal career and not a business of wrecking my life in a way that opposes popular culture, to set about blaming popular culture for it as well. In any case we see this all the time, especially when it developed into one of those cases where a Police Officer thought that somebody was a scumbag and felt so strongly about it i.e. he was seen wrecking a person’s career by building support crowd for it, the problem being that the persons diet was disgraceful or the sort of thing that poor people from overseas ate, soon after he is seen alongside criminals, hoodlums and ex-convicts having the same diet in a designated location to work a lifestyle.

The same way they claim I had a reputation for messing with peoples women and it will get me into trouble but common sense suggested that if I were known not for being an Arch Prince but for being a character Celebrities and popular gits can push around, tell what to do and once they took what they wanted from my concerns, set about ensuring I understood I am meant to vanish if I can but generally get lost, then they had a problem. Even if I had a habit of handling their women, it is the people whose women do not bother me which had a prospect of being a threat to me, not them and we know I don’t, as what happens is the business of remembering that I started opposing this nonsense where I was a fan of the Church and my personality can be used as a torch light to find husbands and boyfriends, when I was about 19 years old and it has continued around here every day since until my 40s. The details of threat these idiots are likely to pose is more a matter of history where society ones will follow me around to trash my career and get about all I did to recover it, making sense of the injustices they had suffered in life, but it is the business of keeping up insults where communities got imagination up my bum to decide how I was used by the people around me, which causes all the problems – the Media wants to see what kind of lesser peoples mentality can be gained from me if I had a five year project and they picked out 2nd and 3rd year projects for their gimmicks but it is the part where they set about publicity to help them decide what people thought about me, which outcome is that they would be able to decide if I could get a job or trade, hence decide how much money I had, which had caused all problems – the Celebrities will pick up my wealth equity and set about building me a reputation for being a character peoples bullied whenever they had big business deals to reach an agreement on but it is the part where they bash my Bookshop to feed what was an eccentric personality which is the cause of all the problems. We know that these details indicated these idiots were not as much a threat to me as they think they are and that the part that are causing all the problems were easily avoidable. Eventually we have the way the Prince of Wales gets around with ageist idiots who ensure every part of my life and work made sense in terms of their ageism but the threat was a matter of fame and fashion idiots telling me what to do and when they took what they wanted from my work ensure I understood I am meant to get lost but so can everybody see that if it stifled my Book sales, their stupidities had a problem to deal with as well. The idea that they are a threat to me is a joke, I cannot understand why it had not stopped when the complaining was such a phenomenon.

I have built a private equity intellectual property administration business and need to be known for that, because it was the only way to ensure Clients were able to read my Books – the idiots have not explained why they change and short change it all the time, show up somewhere to replace my reputation with the idea I am a popularity fool who snoops around the backyard of industry making assumptions about what he is not; again the parts that are responsible for the problems are easily stopped if they are complaining. I cannot complete my studies because I looked like a character who thinks that war would be a good thing whilst others did most of the fighting and dying, I cannot keep my career because their tribalism raids got them into important industrial Offices where a company can be a landmark in an area for miles and they lived in a complex world since – tests and gimmicks keep getting worse and worse as such and they believe they were more of a threat than I am all together. I could never stop them doing those habits and attitudes, I could never stop the problems it creates for them and the way it trashes my finances to leave absolutely nothing for me whatsoever, the white lies that develop into questions of whether I was the one that did the work for my Books or they were the ones that did it instead, the white lies that I now do better than them and do better than entire communities as well. Then we find them claim that it’s the powers of German influence and it will get the better of me eventually which I could never understand either but it was largely pointless if for the business I had with German companies I was in a position to develop what I was doing to such an extent that popularity gits posing challenges in the workplace was the replacement for popularity goons who allied with criminals on the streets i.e. they were a bunch of gamblers who are set to lose again. 

That I have been caused suffering by business and big business just like everybody else being one of the points that get a reaction out of me as well, since what these idiots have done with my career in 9 years to 2021, is set about the idea that I am a character people attacked when they wanted to secure big business deals, at the same time stifle my Book sales which then allowed their stupidities to build up communities that got imagination up my bum if my life was scandalised well enough for it to make sense, building up to this nonsense where I am now being attacked because Celebrities did not do the work for my Books and are struggling, while my finances are still a mess and the abuses had impacted my health as well. Most of all, everything had stagnated here due to this cluster of activities, leaving me broke, single and unable to complete any studies I put my efforts to but every Celebrity idiots the world over are yet to acknowledge this is what they have been spending their time on with respect to my person, the famous idiots and their entitled industry twats were more convinced that there is more to it. The fear has been for years that I have been lost to these matters but it is rather an issue with Celebrities, in the sense that of all the group of people that engage with large numbers of the public, they are the ones who believe themselves to be Public figures while they are just people who get the public parting with money associated with their popularity, such that they shared some of the money with a specific members of the Public to keep the public on their side. So the problem we had was their need to get involved with my concerns uninvited, such that I may have had some Celebrities that wanted to work with me on public concern matters instead, whose activities I must then ensure was profitable for them and other Celebrities could not join in; it had long developed into conflict when Celebrities generally think they were entitled to other peoples incomes once done getting in league with those who spend time being tough, to inflict personality disorders on those who had worked hard to be successful but the pressure point is that of the deal they make with crowd behaviour people and gangs whenever they think that working for money did not appeal to them and the way that despite moving them out of mine business, I still ended up with a reputation for being a character that gets them out of any mess that may have come of it. So far as such is the claim I can never keep them from making money at my expense but I think I am doing a good job, all they had achieved being a case of which Celebrities handled me and how the applicable crowd wanted to support such Celebrities, soon developed into a community of idiots who hated people that got along with me.


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 It is suggested a lot that One wants to be with Liberal people but has no plans to be liberal himself; what they are referring to however is a sense of seeking second opinions for my actions from the Court which is why I created it and make it exclusively female and white; either way the reality of which is that whatever pressure it is we also hear them claim the Monarchy puts on me while I suck up to it works and I don’t want to be with them while they have plans to avoid the Royal Family at all times especially when black. The other part of the story that works really well with their American idiots too is that I am a poor person that tries to get around with rich people wrecking in the process the lives and wealth of middle people such as they are which is why they cannot do anything unless I am targeted but I am not a poor person, the investment of every single paragraph of equity on this website and its subsidiaries along quantified at market value runs into something between £20 Million and £25 Million sterling at least, which of course tends to mean I do not put them up there at the websites so fools can deploy them as well or have opinions about them or make slight comments about them for whatever reasons or indeed make their own market spoofs out of them, thereby looking for trouble and tempting me all the time which of course does not get to mean their Politicians save them from my actions at any occasion either; having said so the reality is better understood when considered in the way they live i.e. for example Daddy earn £40,000 pa and Mum earns about the same amount, so that if their mortgage costs them £25,000 and their feeding as a family runs into about £50 per day and their savings runs into about £10,000 – these fools apart from all their living costs including the cost of educating their bone headed children have still got £12,000 to £15,000 cash that they have not got a clue what to spend on; so I am not one of those people who has this opinion that everything they do to attack me and turn up on public places to develop everything they get around with in my direction and develop them within a process of saying something or doing thing in my direction in a way that makes them feel superior like a drug is a function of the fact they need money – it is wickedness at work within them and my possessions is what they have set aside as what must be destroyed by their wickedness in order to save their own. When I lived in Africa there used to be a culture saying that goes like; you cannot actually get rid of people because there isn’t a dump for human beings’ – this is what black girls love to latch on it, to create a sense they can do whatever they like with me and what belongs to me because work is poison to them and their wickedness and of course as expected we have now reached a point where we are seeing them sell it on to any Industry fool that wants to listen to their stupidities then complain about what I am going to do about it in order to ensure while they want to keep doing it, I cannot harm them in any way for my part: so the bit about African culture which means the men bread win and the women do the chores and so on does not apply to them because they were supposed to have been the wealthy idiots to whom it does not apply but then again it is difficult to locate which side of my intolerance of the nonsense we see them get up to at corridors of international communities they fail to understand: its the parties and clubbing that annoys me the most you see because sooner or later it becomes a platform by which an idiot has located a Christian that they will bully into homosexuality so that women might become powerful.   It  has never been an issue in a larger sense: its like My Company may have been named dog leash and it turns out people have been putting leashes on themselves to spice up their sex lives on account  of its success which creates problems for me and I change it to dog leash with a clause which transforms the name to that of a Firm without which such a thing does not exist and become the exclusive inventor of dog leash to carry on my business in peace - so its what this Company provides brokerage Equities to Allies and Customers for, nothing unusual.