The part about the economy of course remains the fact that all economies recover in the end anyway but what matters is what gits like these have devised and done to other people because there was an economic crisis about which not enough have died yet so far bearing in mind they cannot leave people alone. It is entirely a matter of common sense – they are chasing profit they say in a condition where only 2% of the population of a place have jobs and turn up to tell me I am one of those philanthropy types who interferes with their business thinking they run charities, which causes me to seek to sack them even if they work for their own companies when those stupid industry jobs are not being done properly as it were. in an ideal world, they would have travelled out of a place because they have the means to and found somewhere in which a larger percentage of people had jobs so that they might chase profit but will never do so and you need to see other aspects of their stupid lives which propels some of the things I do while most people think the way I handle them is amazing but it really isn’t if people know what I know – like the kind of sex they have and how much it damages them and how they put it up as something by which to have revenge on society and hence we have all these monumental idiots chasing profit in places where the percentage of employed people is almost zero. Never mind their celebrity murdering idiots who think they are a lot of trouble for me when I actually know they are ugly and I am not and that when I begin to play those stupid games of wrecking everything they have to narrow all they do to their stupid looks which I can then exploit, the level of strange things they will be doing will be incredible – for now they are on a roll and even so it is their stupid Children that are getting famous these days while I am being controlled for industry scum, the other half of it of which are civil rights idiots making an example of me with respect to their own revenge implemented on grounds of the fact how rich people get must be decided, which they think is the biggest problem I have when it is the most insignificant since not enough of them have died yet first of all and they are not the boss of me; besides which we have not yet reached the part where I become a real problem for their personal insolent and stupid freedoms as well. It is regularly mentioned as such I am aware that there is no need to be that if simply because I don’t find meaning in their causes but there is no meaning to their causes; nothing in it but an original provocation with which to get on media and exasperate you all the time until they had placed your person and possessions over a period of time in legal limbo where you always run out of time to protect yourself before they do anything they want to do with it and the result is a criminals that do not have to commit crimes that end them up in prison to get psychological and emotional benefits of committing crimes. The only viable excuse for their activities as far as I am concerned is that they do not commit their crimes for bloodshed and money even though that would have been an added benefit and last I checked I did not report to them or answer to them and we all know I can do far worse than the current loss of civil rights they seem to be all over the place for. The same issue all together in the end as it were; people’s deviance might be bigger than you but you wake everyday into a process where you are paying for it and making use of it to hurt yourself already because they have got media. I mean this is their revenge for the experiences they have had in their piffling lives. It is a regular occurrence to hear the media justice bellow how I never do anything professionally of course but what is reality has always rather been the difficulty in locating such a collection of incompetent and insolent bullies who have become so good at making others do their jobs for them common place - so it is never really that they have not got a clue what they are doing as much as it is that those who do are a problem and then the obsession with media where they think absolutely everybody will be taken by them and hence no care for dealing with extremism problems that they foster with their activities as well, they always rather think that is as funny as they think all their other activities are and that is only if One has not taken it up and done it for them instead as it were. Point is its all very well claiming One does nothing professionally but on the other hand the reality has not changed either that saying its all very well for them to play their games but when the Politicians wreck my property and my work and finances is when you will see what mine looks like as well, is always the most appropriate resolve and the answer to everything - hence the question of why that seems to be the case all of the time.
There is the question of what caused me to dither on Celebrity of which I am really not, I have to consider that the current situation involved one where I had secured an upper hand against society wrong doers which they had a problem with in pursuit of my career and income margins with a narcissism press, up to the point where they were at war with crime control publicity the same way that their strategy for the war they waged on family life and general civil activity was scorched earth, before they realised other peoples personal and social life insolently allowed them to make babies which they for some reason wanted later on. If I gained an upper hand on them the Criminals will become fans of the way that I had gone about dismantling a gimmick in which abusing me created a community and people set up livelihoods on my equity which added up to what their civil rights had become with some people being hopelessly reliant on such a system but then again is still underestimates how quickly I will get past this issue altogether and perform the gimmicks it does with my career and finances over claims they had obtained a superior Royal support to do so but was really due to the fact they controlled some narcissism media presence, where they always nursed a dream of improving their verbosity as women by passing insults at my personality – consequences where it is suggested I hated the famous for instance included those occasions where I am working with some people on one hand and on the other there were a bunch of organised criminals going off to the Middle east to invest my assets as a countermeasure for the welfare of clients at the Trust, bearing in mind I never had a problem controlling such idiots who spent time fighting women over social privileges and would like us to think they were better forms of male figure who hated celebrities and had built a society to do so, which I disputed and so they were now working with the famous who had taken an unusual interest in the public image where I got them all over Celebrity culture considering they wanted it more than anything else and the idea they were real men was fascicle.
They do claim I had fallen out of favour at the Monarchy which is not developed on reality at all, the single problem being the civil disobedience and then the follow on abuses and threats of the famous – the details are that when the King does not find my work useful at any point, they came up with plans to rope him in and drag me into their gimmicks that helped them to express the fact they have always had their eyes fixed on my possessions and dreams of coming into control of it by using it to serve His Majesty, so they had since embarked on a business of getting the bad neighbourhood I selected to help me write Books, into my bedroom whilst the Celebrities clung to my public image, trashed my finances and ran a narcissism media for it – the same idiots had seen me develop equity to help the public build products which baby sit gits that spent money fighting them, now idea how the entitlement to insult other people did not provide them foresight to understand that they were likely to end up stuck with poor people getting money off them to fight me whilst the idiots who create the riots and complain about it later by reading my birth signs and tackling me as a matter of stupidities they were entitled to express at my expense, were not yet complaining about the next thing I did to find out if insulting people to make money was what we all wanted, their problem at this stage being that they were unable to get out of it whilst the famous idiots had enough money in their private bank accounts to make me serve them, like something about which I ought to brush the violent response under the carpet and chose the next best option. Nothing however had changed about my public control work, they have simply turned the fact I had done it well, up to the way German influence idiots showed up to ensure I am pulled in many directions, supporting criminality in this country whilst complaining about what I thought should become of their private security industry and general industrial interests, just the Celebrities looking for a really good response for the famous persons insults. We find that there was sense being made of the mess these activities had created by means of a suggestion that I am a pseudo religious leader but I am nothing like that, there is the single problem of Celebrities building me a reputation which suggests what the public really wanted, was to get involved with my personality and enjoy sensations of being equals with me, thereby paying them for achieving such a thing and paying me too if I co-operated with their needs, whilst I had set out a Bookshop as the only methods by which my career engaged with the market place. They would stifle my finances every day in this way to keep up this nonsense regardless of how uncomfortable it made them too, to issue threats at me that made them feel important and allowed them cling to my public life for money – so I have had a need to arrive at a state where one of the threats issued whenever the situation made them uncomfortable as well should be the very last I got to tolerate. On the claim that they did what they did because I am the means by which they got into trouble with security services, we know they do that endlessly, such as whilst the law does not wish to put up inadmissible evidence in Court, state provided security provoked them into wrong doing and thereby made them victims, they were uncomfortable about everything but my career just makes them uncomfortable in an entirely new way because they wanted to come into possession of the financial structures, I was the cause of public problems and society wrong doers who legitimised their immoral activities were nice people willing to take risks, make money and buy show business but when their activities caused others an inability to continue with civil activities, the outcome should be decided on the basis of how badly I was made to smell and how much money those who made the mess possessed in their private bank accounts, eventually arriving at the point where I am in league with communists, when the fact I am in charge and they are not, had created an outcome in which communists got the better of them due to the very public context and nature of the abuses peddled around here everyday, when they were done suggesting I am a pseudo religious leader. I mean walking down the streets encourages people to set out a sense that they would love to put items into my body orifices, their boyfriends were taller than I am and more deserving of my career and public image, finished off with a need to do favours at security services and build communities that finger my bum, the mirror shows none of these things naturally but as far I know, whilst they were entitled to their opinions of superiority, I do not wish to spend time working on the business of keeping my mind off the sense that I had been dominated by them, just as much as I wanted to spend my time working on what I could do to keep them from disturbing my bodily functions – they do claim law enforcement does as well and they will stop when law enforcement stops and so we had to go back to the days when they had to fight racists with my career and show up here making me owe them social debts whilst their celebrities turned out to collect the debts with all the publicly abusive activity that could be mustered, building up to the financial entrapment that they have now achieved which is turning out to be a nightmare on all sides - so I am not a pseudo religious leader or in league with communists, only built up quite the reputation when people screwed around with my affairs. We have heard the stupidities suggest I can never get out of the bum fingering gimmicks which is utter nonsense as it is all a product of experimental insults and the way they had settled up on the insult that paid off the most, but the problem was still their need to pick up their corrupt private security and show up to keep an eye on me in order to get favours from the famous, the German influence idiots that had since gotten involved were showing all indications they would like me to do what I am currently doing about it on an industrial level, since we know it builds communities to finger my bum, not just because it is making a mess of my personal space, family and social life but is also sharing the mess with anybody who did business with or employed me, so who ever is giving them the money that is getting to their heads needed to know about it, needed to know how the poofs irritated me as well, every day, when I stop the insults of the famous who now need to make comments about their own career save they were reviewing something they paid for and read at the Bookshop or face results where I stopped their stupidities my way, it will all return to the business of buzzing at the background of society like all wrong doing does (not clear why it is never really a bright idea to spend this sort of quality time with their friends from Washington, insult, abuse, complain to, finger bum and issue threats the way they believed they were at lease to do around here). They do claim it does not do to play both Communism and Democracy, what we know to be the truth is that they wrecked the work that was being done and it was an immoral society mandate that wanted to be done making money never the less, off the fact they tried wrecking peoples lives and daily affairs and were stopped by the Law etc, making a mess at Governmental Diplomacy over what they claimed was a drive to subject people to the will of their famous idiots. Naturally there is no grain of truth to the idea that I am mentally ill – even if it was the case without a history in which after I dropped out of University over their gimmicks they found me ineligible for mental health Housing, it is not the only reputation I had around here, there are other reputation that sees them complain about me, seeking privileges of injustice every day. The problem is to do with a bunch of expensively dressed hoodlums if you like who had not lost their bully personality at school, running people down all the time and then finding out that if they were not getting popular off doing so to those that were not the murdering type or were smaller than they were, they would get involved with industry and make money doing it. We are now at that point where it needed to groom itself off handling my person and my career just the same way it groomed itself to get addicted to it, or it will be looking for trouble where it had become easier for its stupidities to find some. At which point there was a sense that I was always talking about what other people did and not what I did, in which case what I did was a matter of the fact this whole problem came about from being wooed by Celebrities i.e. the rogue landlords, corrupt private security and abusive shop keepers thing was part of Celebrity reputation and if they were bothering me with the problem all the time, should I get married to a Celebrity, it will become official Royal Business, to do something about it – these fools had since stifled my personal relationships, turned it into a tool for getting involved with women to have sex whilst attacking the same women at the same time that they were also trashing my finances to improve their own financial wellbeing – makes good sense of what I mean when I suggest they were beginning to get on my nerves where they were likely to find the trouble they seek, since even simple bookshop clients feelings about my work was being interfered with, clinging to me for entitlement to good feelings and making comments about my career, more so because their stupidities had convinced them that they were not poofs but rather a bunch of important gits. It has never really been a problem, just the need to make sense of their gimmicks by stifling my finances with practical jokes that will cause people to keep away from me but it is the other idiots who are part of crowd mentality that is targeted at my personal life and personal space who kept lip flapping ways I would get attacked because I smelled, that had caused the delays because I wanted to see what it is exactly their stupidities could do about me on account that I felt embarrassed over what was not within my grasp as it was incredibly stupid but had such a profound effect on me – now that we are done with that and I had gotten a few steps away from ripping their Celebrity culture which they boasted that doing so would escalate the situation to levels unknown, to provide them a reason for it, I suppose we can now move on. I am aware their interest in me was a function of what I possessed but it is largely a matter of the way Companies outsourced property equity to me for intellectual property administration purposes – so I had to process the equity for product building, product appearance, aesthetics and functionality on the basis of private equity that facilitated the intellectual property administration, to which effect I can say it was obvious that if they wanted to drive their cars for example around town without making trouble doing so, it was best they stayed away from involvement with property equity and the broker processes, whilst they continued rather to get in involved in my affairs over popularity verbosity and comments to suggest I made it all up which was none of their business that I did either way never the less but then again, the reasons they would get involved with property equity was to ensure they made trouble over a product and got off creating their own version of that product, the same way they hunt my income margins and public image to make money for already successful businesses in order to get rich fast, however they are complaining due to the fact that the car a company built today was likely to be on the basis of property brokered and what is kept in the vaults for client services, an evolutionary derivative of the car that was built yesterday, since I am that good at the intellectual property administration, showing up here to split up my markets at will and hang about somewhere with a plan to keep me from access to things they knew was really mine whilst they got to work their position as monopolists, was never going to pay off, especially in terms of products that were big investment points for households. They do however eventually suggest that woman were the source of my success considering the way that women picked up areas of my concerns that assisted with domestic violence, single parenting and mobility matters to run off activities that were linked to career, which left them lost but then again, they were not the people responsible for the career plan that I had anyway therefore not worth dignifying with a response. It is the same story as ever; wants to be able to pick up my assets and run around for profitable gimmicks at Industry, have babies and back out of matrimonial responsibilities to be free, all at my expense, just like the other gits who consistently showed up to stifle my finances with questions that suggested I am the person doing the wrong thing – the idea I am at odds with the male population and therefore they had ill feelings that came naturally but ultimately still leads onto the same point, that they have either got more to spend on bothering me or the Bookshop was not a factor and especially where their social issues were concerned – ultimately the sense they needed to tidy up whole roads and neighbourhoods over claims I am untidy which ruins the look of their well off neighbourhoods that helped them to make money because I shopped for my groceries and doing so fed into my international business interests, in which condition it had become apparent that some twats and more so in consonance with their famous gits were just evil.