November 11, 2014
So the story of where I am in terms of industry and as per whether I am stuck and overwhelmed is a very well understood one but of course I am not in anyway; the reality is that Industry people spend their time doing nothing but getting their stupid thick headed children as close to you as possible because they want to ensure their money can buy your possessions when they don’t have what you do have – so whether or not damage to my work to that effect will form the basis of how I get to sell my books becomes the problem they have to worry about considering that present circumstances is that they cannot seem to make advertisement without provoking me. So they know when they are to sell cigarettes and decide that their advertisement will be more about that single unemployed guy who has not been with a woman or indeed anybody for 6 months being targeted with smoking products and they know when they are reaching for their core customers by setting out how glamorous smoking is and of course it is always up to the regulators and the government to decide whether or not they have crossed the line which if they do will mean they will pay as well.
The part about Politicians have always been as simple as what MPs get into parliament to do when they have decided if they tap energy from me and go off to gamble money they will make profits and especially so when it did not pay off as well and it is always before they complain about my actions when they are off to sell their Politics.
The celebrity ones do not in any way give anybody any headache because not everybody thinks they are famous; they are nothing to me but a collection of idiots who believe in the importance of having my work strewn outside and blaming me for not coming out of my closet and therefore making me responsible for what they do with my life and possessions – so it is a case of deciding it is not going to happen and I know I have taken enough steps to ensure they keep to their level, I am just in a place now where I give the ample warnings before they get to have reasons to hate my guts intensely. There has to be a way in which the celebrities that are in my Court have an exclusive right to my world and to my life whether or not there are industries involved in these things and they have heard me warn before about setting them out by name until we reach a point where people feel me over music CDs I find abusive, never mind the part where I am attacked because my behaviour on the day had limited how much music CDs they planned to sell. There is nothing new about their popularity villainy; it’s the same old case of the girl who thinks she is the neighbourhood bitch gets around with the boys she hangs about with and their cars and they make a show of themselves for a certain period of time until an industry idiot shows them what they can do with my possessions which they feel has become a permanent feature of their lives because I am terrified of them. So they are people and can think for themselves hence everything they do to that effect is not to say they do not know what they are doing – they are not celebrities in my view, just very twisted popularity villains.
They do claim it is the same things I do with the history of their lives as well which makes no sense whatsoever; the history of their lives is concerned with the part where the very sight of me in terms of my faith indicates wealth and if I am trapped and used it can be enough for all of them; so right from day one even when the company existed only in my head I was watched and my life was ruined and set backs were created to last a life time so that I am now aware that the reasons I have an empire in which the money has ended up somewhere else for devils talk to make people profit around me is because of the fact the result from this was that everybody who has an idea about why I should not be able to earn a living and talks nonsense about respecting your mother with it would be able to see outcomes from his stupidities – so this is a matter of achieving the impossible considering they like to think they can take me on even if they decided they wanted to stand together for a change in their stupid lives. So it is a part of my dispute with them I like to avoid because it will take us down that part where every family scum with wife and kids gets through his foolish existence with fundamental conviction that I should get through my life being upset and because they have this alternative lifestyles to go by their celebrities think that no matter how old you are, you cannot tell when you are getting hurt and when you are being hurt even when you are a man as it were. So this story about the history of their lives they have no wish to cease interrupting my concerns with will likely lead to more serious results as well in my view. It’s a case of what would have happened if people did decide there is an argument out there which suggests to the whole world that people such as myself are not meant to earn a living else the means by which others get rich will disappear or dissipate, what would I do and yes of course the result has meant they are not hating my guts as much as they would have liked yet and so I am convinced that the next time they interrupt my business and my concerns and what I say or do with stories about respect for my mother it is their mothers that will be respected my way at the end of it as well.
They always pick up problems that are too big for them due to the various break downs of wickedness they can extricate from it means of communication at all times and that is always before I need to respect my mother. So now they need to sell wares and make a living and the next time they raise it this will be the outcome but either way we are now talking reality and a world where they are not living in an illusion anymore as to the fact money comes from activities linked with paid employment. So this is where we are for it does appear letting the issue resolve itself of what they can do with my stupid mother and her ideas about causing trouble with my notoriety which will cause white boys to feel like killing her children so she can get attention and become leader of a family that exists only in her head will never pay off since these idiots have a parliament they can use like their property to play their stupid games with.
The question is always whether I do these things because of a personal grudge I have against them and their Politicians or do them because I just want to but of course it is not just as simple as what I do when their MPs spend tax payers money on them knowing they are the deviant side of society that can chase peoples anus and penis and damage and spoil entire human beings, then consume them like human beings were products which cannot be achieved unless they take all the good bits and leave the ugly side and talk nonsense about those who don’t do what they want facing a tiny army of their own. So for the Politicians their case is that I should have come forth with these information earlier of which coming forth earlier has never been the issue when we are talking about their sense of right and wrong and a condition where if it were said that the only way to curtail the vandalism and intrusion of these idiots was either to murder somebody or set out some 6 years of your time to deal with them and get yourself in order again, whom exactly they thought was worthy of such task when they spent tax payers money on them to move them out from the back ground of people’s minds into the mainstream talking nonsense about wealth distribution as they did? For me it’s a matter of the fact that I have decided for my part too that have it all society is the one I want to live in since last they decided the system does not work for them anymore and when they abuse me to get rich make contact with me again for power because they can handle me. For them however it is a matter of what I say indicating I am the kind of guy that likes to be used and abused by those who will at least thank him for it later on; but of course it really does come back down to whether or not they will let it stay at the background of my life and mind or bring it to the mainstream again, so the ball is still in their Court and there is no chance we will be doing this exercise again in anyway whatsoever at any future point whatsoever so they need to stay off my book sales so people can see their own too. Of course they know cheap insults like how I need to tighten my but then if I have no plans to comply with their wishes – nothing new of which there is to it in any case since it is the same old story of sitting with an employer that only sees louts and idiots that do peoples stuff for them and assumes that not only is it his privilege to employ me, it is also my loss if I don’t get his bloody job; the big problem always comes not when this becomes the way this are happening due to the PR they are getting everyday for their stupid activities but rather when the employer is to take advantage of me because I sat with him on an Interview table – it is where it usually manifests as reality that ‘I don’t care’ does not get to use my stuff and in a really big way as well. I hear they say I speak of these issues and attack a society that looks after the down trodden such as myself in a condition where I am not necessarily treated as equal but the last time I checked that was the White Man’s doing as well, especially now it is time for us all to see their own as well. Like people such as me are not allowed to make a living and the lack of respect I have for my mother is the reason after they planned and set all that nonsense up in the first place in a society they know we have such problems as racism for example – it always is the case and is used when they stalk chosen victims to spend their means and income until they become the victims as well and then we hear the tales and it never stops and goes away until we hear the part where they are racists and at such a point must have reached the stage where they have anus and penis abuses corrupted everybody with threats of violence and girls at fame and fortune that means they are being honourable enough to look after women in distress – the blacks however largely always think their need for nepotism is so well worked out way before they had made any progress with those they clearly can handle and are beginning to live with the realities as well.
They do speak of power as we all know but it is not as if power is not without risks and it is not as if they don’t know they are provoking a person – the statements they make about their need to own another person’s life is well understood by them as something they can have if the person is dead and I need to ensure I don’t bump into anything in my life for their stupid part in this matter as well; I mean I can imagine, it’s the devil that talks like that. Hence it is said I cannot speak without getting into a rant but of course whether or not I am stirred by hysteria as a result of people taking advantage of the Prince that works so hard he is not breathing means they have become powerful, it’s about settling the temperaments properly – in this case what set the tone for the conversation in the first place went far beyond the reality of Celebrities in my life having exclusive rights to do my work for me when I am not around unless people are looking for trouble the free for all because there are Industries backing popularity for a living and stretched into the case of their media fools and popular culture tools as well as fashion goons new found alliance with their richest bankers in the land who have presently given a fucking speech to address their needs.
So how rich am I? It’s not a matter of being rich – every property equity I have on my websites although patented will be recopied and placed in leather bound books that will be stored away at high security, so they are put up there for that precise purpose to manifest itself and so while I am doing that the whole condition of giving away my property alongside not advertising my books simply means I am going to be cash strapped. It is never that complicated as they make it out to be – only the part where celebrities in my life are to have exclusive access to my work and not a free for all nonsense because there are industries behind their stupid media and popularity.
I do hear time and time again the problem is that the Conservative party is destroying alliance with Europeans because in terms of controlling me it is not as profitable but of course first of which they are the party of the Nation and secondly of which it will never play out the way they think – starting with Labour where they thought that it was okay to have those social goons with which every single body language from them is a threat while they handle other peoples possessions – now they are living in a world where the Muslim ones are travelling overseas for Jihad that we fear will one day return to the UK and with each one that travels away is a lesser sense of threats coming from the way Labour MPs make conversation with others, while from this side they are not faring so well either. I mean it’s a matter of the things that are relevant to being an MP and the things that are relevant to selling books and the things MPs do which are involved with bullying me and the things that from it will remain a permanent feature of my existence which is only workable on the basis of my fear of them; so all I can say is that it will be exciting, after all Hitler thought blacks and none whites were inferior especially Jews and I it seems am used to set a new standard in the sense that I can be followed and stalked for 14 years and bullied everyday in all that time to ensure I build an empire in which the financial side and customer equity side ends up somewhere else that does not mean it belongs to me. So that what we end up with is a collection of idiots who have done this but cannot deploy it for profit until I am locked up somewhere giving them a day to day filling on how exactly that is to be done with a big mouth. They do say they are quietly confident while I talk and it makes no sense the Sons of perdition being quietly confident of anything around when they can see they need to shut their big mouth and keep off my book sales; I mean we see their insolent saloon cars everywhere with a sense that if it will not create serious and difficult social issues that is beyond them, they will not wish to dominate and if it will not create dichotomies that are beyond their control they will not want to have sex with it – I mean if I worked on Media would I have wanted to deploy my job to find out if I can prevent others from getting their own, first because it is popular culture profitable and then because they sleep with my wife? This is what they mean quietly confident especially when they want to put it in context of a certain media brick wall I cannot break down, looking for trouble of which we all know they have an uncontrollable capacity to provoke people and have no plans to drop the behaviour as it were. It’s nothing as serious as they get jittery about, it’s just that the whole process of media publicity and political publicity around how I am the guy on whom people are supposed to get off has become National and Global and it is my turn now so we can find out exactly what they are going to do with the tough talking yapping all over the place and yes they need to keep off me and take their problems with them, it does not matter if such an outlook is discriminatory, I am quietly confident. It does not mean I sabotage what is done at the Monarchy to protect me, I do what I do because if we all pay attention to these fools we can easily lose what makes us excited i.e. the Longest reigning Monarch – 3 Heirs to the Throne which means good people can never be oppressed and for those on the fringes we can never run out of fantasies about security and even that eventually pays off – I am happy to put my work in the service of the Monarchy as well to that effect and now I can show every day if I wanted a new face of Monarchical freedom in this world that even more so makes the Monarchy better than it has ever been if I can achieve that part too. I am quite content to follow all Political fools up with political and financial violence as well: they do say other Countries have people that take advantage of the under belly of the sale of Politics to do wicked things but I am only interested in British ones but of course it really does not matter which one I am interested in – I am now the guy on whom people get off, if they don’t seek new beauties with which to progress their stupid selves too and it will end very well too – as equally as it was fun when it was fun to spend a decade of my time to make it happen before I am allowed to get on. So they do say they have seen the way I operate on the streets and that I am scared of my own shadow but of course it has been 14 years of a fight that never happens and I am really tired. Of course we do hear the talk of how it’s a time of decline so the Royal Offices of England have passed to men that are lesser men than they are but it would not have meant that if they did their paedophile fantasies on me it would prevent them from abusing Children, in fact when they abuse Children I have become the guardian of their satisfaction so that when they do kill those children it is my fault with a big mouth. I sit in this office and keep abreast with what happens with the Pornography Industry and I ensure my Celebrities are not worse off when every Industry scum feel they can handle my possessions, in order to ensure I don’t lose important allies and if I need money because I have run out and therefore get a job the process of doing it is nobody’s business or is any means by which I leave home to do it, so I have no idea why they raise the issue when it is always easy to tell the mistresses that are where they are to be there on their account and not mine and tell the ones that are never where they are to get stuck somewhere and haul abuses at them on their account and not mine and then I will cease to be Royalty and they will be greater men. I have made myself clear on the matter; they can sell their Politics and every idiot that thinks they need to take advantage of the underbelly to defile me needs to continue until I cut up their civil rights and erase it after that for them. So they say I blow hot and cold on sexual abuse but that has obviously come long after the need to threaten anybody that gets near my public work or office as a fan had become a major preoccupation; so it does matter whose own it has happened to as well and they need to keep their insults where it might be better appreciated. A typical example is the story of what Obama and his people care about and why the world should note they will not be silenced – ridiculous of course since the idiots have not got a bloody clue what they care about save the case of civil rights and how they need to mark out an important Christian to take their problems out on when they think they don’t want to be nice guys anymore and I have been groomed for it with the worlds insolence here for the last decade – it was fun when it was fun and the finances are damaged, the biological clock is ticking and now I cannot escape what they wish to do with my personal life at any rate with a big mouth so it is important for me to know my filial sensibilities what it is exactly they care about and when finished we can talk about who is preventing them from caring about those things as well. It is not true that I am scared of my shadow – the truth is that I am satisfied with what I have done to them for the damages they have done here and for their insults but they have chosen hysteria and the process of interrupting my conversations that does not concern them as a means of getting their own back and bringing their problems to light in the world as well and so this idea they make people weak enough to be bent by them via their intrusion and stupidities and can thereof force people into things continues and there are more things I need to force them into or force out of them yet too as it were.
I hear the part where it is said I am out of breath very well indeed, I don’t know what they expect for it either but the reality will always be that I am because of my actions and not some great victory that they have won – I have to write my books and keep hold of communities and societies and ensure property handled by money idiots who polish off a party’s worth of food for every square meal they eat every single day and burn it off at the Gym, then speak of the facts as well to ensure they know what I am thinking and get enough conviction based deterrence that informs them that stealing my career is not only impossible but will come with consequences for those who try after which I put up those facts after writing them for my people who keep up to date – of course it makes me tired and I know it makes me out of breath and I do it with the knowledge that it is having that effect but when they say it I would never know what it means anyway. I mean we have this illusion in our minds that celebrities are dainty people but of course the reality could not have been any different – these are individuals that polish off four times the amount of food you could barely finish in a meal and make an Industry out of the other side of the story where they have to keep fit otherwise they will not get the jobs that bring them enough money to satisfy this gluttony and that is how the dieting Industry comes about as well, so it is important that they understand they are drawing battle lines when they make noise about whether or not I am running out of breath; I mean it’s a matter of assessing why people do what they do and the way they are doing it and we have in some cases people who have to perform dance routines that are physically demanding, so let us assume that their feeding due to celebrity vanity runs into £1000 per day and that they practice their dance routine over four weeks and make the music CD over two weeks after that, how much money do they earn from these music CDs which then means that they have to get after peoples finances and personal and family lives in the way that they do? Then there are others who in a course of months have to make films in which they fulfil very demanding roles, so it is acceptable that they need their diets and they need their energy but whatever happens, it always appears these are the ones that for some reasons do not make trouble for others and I don’t know, it may be because their work takes up all their time and so on but this is where they rather do things with ethics as I have noticed ironically as well. So the two points here are first that celebrities are people and know exactly what they are doing and the other is not just that they use their ability to Hoover up your income and excrete it as a weapon about which they cannot shut their mouths concerning who is out of breath recently but also that for the rest of us economic crisis means something has gone horribly wrong and we need to get back to the drawing board while for them it means abuses and media publicity for those they have inflicted it on to decide who owns which beauty and can therefore peddle it to whatever end and do business at the end result thereof, so that for me they have reached that point where I am out of breath and it is perfectly okay too provided they start first. Their activities do not in any way affect me half as much as they do suppose it does – it’s a simple reality of the fact they assume everybody likes them until you mention such facts concerning how they are not remotely your type and will never escape trouble ripping up finances and personal and family life the way that they do and leave you abused and defiled as well – so that I am perfectly within my right to continue my programme until I get to a point where I can point them out by name and cling to them ripping up everything around them until they get off my book sales as well reason being that as I mentioned, the rest of us normally think going back to drawing board when there is economic crisis while they think abuse and media to determine who gets which beauty right down to peoples family and personal lives. The only thing that has caused them all these access to intrusion is that of Politicians putting apparatus of state at this disposal so that when they cannot wreck my finances and all the nonsense they get up to does not go beyond the background of living then they can use media to ensure they become mainstream and now they say I am surrounded by Celebrities as well which is true but they are here because they are here to help preserve my legacy and more so in case anything were to have happened to me and I in turn make sure nobody gains from me as much as they do so that it does not back fire and result in a condition where I lose them while they tend to look after me which they do on the other hand especially in terms of security. Their biggest gain these days is what on Terror has become and largely based on how I get attacked and abused my Muslims doing my stuff and issuing threats at me which is not a difficult issue since we are looking at idiots that have never before been confronted by somebody who has given them an ultimatum for Mohamed to decide what happens between them on one hand and his anus and penis on the other being that they are of the opinion those they are superior to have not got any opinions about them and their need to come from families where the only person that tells them what to do is their Fathers that are now old and tired of them and hence the idea they can do whatever they like with anybody especially if they turn up on my media equipment to pretend it exists for them to talk through to me with – nobody has an opinion about those that run families they lead that are dank and dirty and dark with women and children trying to be free as it were, so I can only say they are free to turn up along with their British friends, as every tyrant in the world these days wants to marry a British idiot with ideas about revolution and we will find out what will happen and what people will copy so they can Jihad from there after as well. Its not that I have a personal problem with these guys its just the reality that they are evil and must be handled in a certain way and those who deny that they are because they have a problem with religion will be made to deal with their problems for them and suffer my wrath as well when they had felt I am the guy on whom they get off when they want to stop being nice guys in order to be bad guys in order to get rich and important like everybody else. We hear the part about my lack of feeling and empathy for those who are in need and suffering in the world and how it constitutes the problems I have but I would never understand why people still feel it is okay to peddle such things in this day and age either - I mean I am sure people who are already dying of hunger understand when others need to groom somebody else to suffer their problems for them because they cannot take it and feel others can on account they feel they are superior to their chosen victims, its never been a mystery and does not have to be - they say they must have it no matter what and I say they will find out what those whose time and life is dedicated by them to such nonsense want to do with it as well and it can always get on the media all the time as well if they wanted: if these fools are able to settle on creating a bad relationship between me and my stupid mother so they can pillage my income having popular culture riches with it that is a function of punishment for not respecting your mother, then they can do anything and do not need my empathy but I have been clear about where I stand on the matter: they want to build this life where they can handle anything that belongs to me and will have it no matter what because I am scared of them and like to make mention of a sense I want the Country when they started it all with new civil rights to be built with my personal life and we need to find out if doing such things because they have a provocative nature is as easy as they claim: it happens in every single country on this planet that there are people who feel like going out to better themselves by bullying some members of a smaller ethnic group but they continue to exist as though this office is a phantom and talk nonsense when they cannot get through me and the use of my time in such ways is making them enemies as well. I know that selling books have nothing to do with kicking big business and their Political idiots and provocative social fools who are provocative because it is their nature but if I said that moving into my right hand to live there would provoke me, the need to dominate me before I even start to finish my academic work would mean the way republicans do things and how things are and they would do it anyway in order to ensure that if they want my books to provoke them it will and then because of that they will find ways to acquire leverage and control of me that will ensure I cannot sell it preparing and grooming me for filth low level violence that can be used for discrimination as well - that part took up 8 years of my time and now the idiots feel I have not had enough of them and are talking nonsense about threats too - I mean when they move into my right hand to live there it is not because they want the Christian Faith as well with a big mouth: provocation is my nature because I come from the biggest ethnic group in the Country is not nearly the half of it because there are other behaviour which suggests that every family scum in this Country with suits to wear wants to be able to pass their derogatory insults at me in a financially beneficial way and then pretend climbing up my book sales to talk nonsense about what kind of modernisation and Country he may have planned to live in means that I care what the immoralities of his Cities are as long as he has that much control of my finances which is where all these media need to end everyday with decimation of my book sales market which I bet is to find out what my reaction will be so they can make friends when they are angry at me comes from too. I know it has nothing to do with a problem that is actually mine but that does not mean black people are better off from the things I get up to either - they are doing very well as we speak all round with those insults and flawed sense of right and wrong as well. It is a very familiar story about being fed up with their problems - the reasons those that are good looking are in trouble with those who voluntarily take it on themselves to determine who is famous because that is the part of society they control and so on and for me it starts off with cases of sleeping with their wives and has now developed into abuse and media determining who owns which part of my possessions for big business to operate while their stupid block head children are given a public attention means of getting close to me in a condition where they are superior - I have no idea which part of the fact they are not even remotely my type they fail to understand anyway but this part about how selling books has nothing to do with kicking big business will have to be the beginning and not the end like they assume. Not allowed to sell books I write for fear of them and did I mention the black women bits have taken it one step further in terms of spying on me and making sure I am not allowed to write the books at all when they check neighbourhoods and work out I am currently at the Office and so on. We all ear them speak of their retaliation more so but the first retaliation was imagined and designed to ensure I was always on a back foot whenever I wanted to do anything about them thereby making sure their tracks were covered and they got away with it and did big business power with my person and possessions and it would be theft that was above the law in a grand scale - the result was that they have lost everything about homosexual culture and everybody now knows homosexual sex is something women do and where I am involved it isn't even real, its just there like a state of affairs deciding if or not they can have homosexual sex satisfaction - so this retaliation story instead of keeping off my book sales must be that they want some of mine again: I mean if the economic crisis was a mistake they need to move on and keep of my earnings - the same story about the two issues surrounding where I am heading so as to bring this to an end i.e. if I had to complete this task to settling some really important matters about the economy I have the right to move on with the rest of my life after the five years in which it was completed was done, the second being that they need to keep off my income and the book sales by which that happens, the things we do when we are either heroes or villains, if the economic crisis was a mistake - its gotten to a point at this stage and I am sure everybody else is just as full of it as I am.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.