October 23, 2016
In the end if I have developed creative Equities and aesthetic creative equities and Market equities and they are all income viable, it is a certain degree of Economic control which I do not wish to lose and if the Men will not let me get along with my own life because they have needs which they feel should be prioritised all the time at this stage, it is important they bear in mind they will are on course to lose all economic control that they have all together and its quite possible that I am bluffing too. yap yapping it’s all people that others deploy to make things happen and could gain from my Books but want me to crawl on my knees and live at the mercy of their generosity instead, so all involvement with me should concern those who are interested in me being a successful person otherwise involvement is looking for trouble and will get it too, as I normally do set out a decade and a half of my time and just give it away like that. We are not talking about the Labour Party either; I am pretty sure another occasion where they support my evil mother to get around ripping up my finances and public image for them so that when I leave home early to ensure my religious persecution thing does not affect the whole family, she will ensure that when she says religion only creates violent things that older people have to do, she might be right – if it happens again, I will rip up that stupid party too and that will lead to an outcome where I am never wrong as well.
It’s like the old tale of the Prince of Wales and his continued plans for big show government which has determined how the celebrities that get along with him behave obviously but of which could just be an opinion of the results where every idiots wants to make a mess of me and get to the Royal family by doing so, however which all together it’s still a matter of Men and their stupid games anyway. It’s also like the case where people think that they have been extricating an apology from me for past actions of the British, which has no basis on reality or truth; I do not apologise for any government and certainly not the British one as such – what really happens is that when you have damaged peoples criminal businesses they want to bring up matters about past National crimes but before then they were rounding me up like an animal to claim they were taking charge of the lives of their kids on whom their future depends; so what they did with that was a story of those who did as they are told making fame and fortune popular culture on the personal life and Public image of those who were destined not to do as they were told so they could be excluded from civil rights and community – the result being the same tale of taking my normal life and then making a gang into it which was me on one hand and their obedient kids on the other while I had already as we spoke been excluded from a community, the idea I am apologetic for anything is therefore very delusional.
In terms of a story that runs every day concerning where violence is and how it is to be linked with me, that was an old case where I thought I had finished my work but Media invented something new; so I will need to get prepared for trading and start a process of real leadership where damage to products which mean something to me and to the customer will be followed with costly consequences, so as to ensure I am financially successful too. For now however it is a case where they end up asking me endlessly why my behaviour always tends to suggest I am looking for war, which then feeds into the things that Europeans do not accept they do which has led to brexit. In terms of looking for war of which the case is one where you grow up and get past the violence to complete your academic work and thereafter achieve and after that get called up for service and thereafter get known for National service as the case may be, so that what we have is that I had attained all these processes while I was still a student and got given a special arrangement to carry on with the Monarchy and when bits are taken off my life to provide them a better world, their gratitude is to come up with an ageist insults which suggests I have no respect for celebrities and television personalities and journalist whom they claim are actually more important than I am; so I had to find a way to make that stupid violence work for me and what they are seeing is the beginnings of a process where starting a fight with me will mean luck of victory on my part, after which it will get followed on with what they have learned from it to get better and thereby have the last laugh, whereas the reality is that this very process of their social stupidities are the reasons I cannot enjoy what I have achieved and it will form the backbone of the fight process itself; so the most common insult attached to it is usually that I am just a kid who knows more about life than they do and hence entirely unacceptable, whereas the reality is rather that I do not see anything wrong with my age while they are currently complaining about me anyway, so I must assume that will lead to new problems in the very near future. As for what European Politicians do to bring about Brexit; it’s an old case of the fact it’s not really clear if the whole idea that they are working towards getting rid of the British Monarchy is actually fact but what we see is an effect of whatever it is they are doing is such that the only forms of Countries are the German model and the French Model and the Spanish and Dutch Model, thus it follows on from this effect of the incredibly insulting ways in which European politicians communicate with people and was in the same was responsible for the part where the Economic crisis was laid at the Door of the Greeks essentially so to speak; Brexit therefore was never the end of the world all together anyway, they have just made it look that way. As for the story of keeping away from Women that are older than me however, it is an old case of these Women having a career relationship with me; whereby I have something to do about crime or crime control and a Fashionista wants to do something with it and when I am finished she gets to, or I worked at Admiralty matters and a TV Actor did something with it and set out an acknowledgement etc; so those who are just getting involved really have no reason to, are a terrible source of anxiety for me and do more damage than they could possible imagine, while the ever important male fame freaks will gain from my private equity intellectual property administration books when they read the stories, pass insults that spend everybody else’s time showing that they are complaining about Women who decide a certain number of their kids should be criminals because it’s an unjust world, cannot handle the ones that actually decide to commit crimes because it is an unjust world or indeed police such a situation but have a problem with my age which I think is perfectly fine and cannot show some respect for the Bills they are obviously paying as it were, especially while all their time is spent on making sure what I do to see people do not make use of my work without paying is perverted and yet naturally having a problem with all that live their lives in such pointless manner and reserve some 10% of its which is paid for by those who are making use of their niceness, will mean having a problem with all of the UK traditional allies but so are they grown up enough to know when somebody is doing something that is rather serious and important and does not wish to screw around with any. In their minds however they have their excuses in the sense that I shouldn’t be getting involved with what the Queen is doing – whereas the reality is that I only get about my Christian activities and pick up on anything which concerns my relevance – I am so successful at it that I am always expected to pick up on something as a matter of daily routine as it stands; so this particular story is not really an argument they are informed well enough to make but as a whole, they are now the ones that are being tested.
So the threat is supposed to have been coming from Women at all times; not a surprising matter anyway, the reality has always been that since I have something to say about my female colleagues on account the Men are always telling me what to do in order to secure easy life; I have to get caught up with feminism and lose everything I have getting blamed for the problems they have with men until they are as rich as the Men are for the sake of equality while my entire life was spent on it – showing up here to express their stupidities in the many ways which suggest I have no sense of what it looks like when women run back door and home based and garage based businesses and have to show up in Public with insults they cannot keep with their husbands as home on account they are trying to meet sales targets. I mean somebody will think an eventuality whereby two people got out to face the world as a pair but it become a scene for one to beat up the other is a serious matter that must be handled as a community, they however will come up with these kinds of stupidities and label me a Man they can do and undo with, that big mouth on Media all the time and whenever they do it, they will rip up the property and insert their products into the profit margins and set up some competition after that which they will win on grounds of the appealing nature of a Woman’s smile and beauty etc like I killed somebody’s parents and it’s never really been an issue just one of the main reasons the bloody idiots live a life from outdoors to indoors as such because it is important to bring crowds to bear on my possessions and to up with a portion of it as their own; I am saying I have had it up to my neck and this is a line drawn, there is trouble in store, as I am in a relationship with their insanity therefore that I should be having such conversations. So they say I like to pretend I care about women but will never make a sacrifice in my life, they however largely prefer the gamblers share anyway so we are unto something here but currently I am not the one in need of the media because I want to tell somebody that was born and raised to seek second opinion from women about what he gets up to in life what to do, which means I tend to get hurt all of the time from Women and then by Men as well and then assume if it was a fair fight I could take him on as well because I can keep doing it as long as I can hurt him more than I am hurting every time it happens.
As for a royal estate I have lost without knowing it; the whole tale has always been that people love to play foolish games with me and then learn from it to go off and screw around with the Royal Family and even the Queen – could I foresee that then? Of course, so what I have done is ensure that the process leads to outcomes whereby each process of screwing with Monarchy and Royal Family leads to results whereby what I am doing is being shared with the family and the establishment, where their future has become incredibly uncertain over time all together as it were. Then again I need to spell out that this whole tale of Estates I have lost will likely get on my nerves in a very big way very soon indeed and that people must pay attention to the fact that if they do not wish to have me play with them in such ways as well, they need to stop playing with me too – if my body hurts, there should be a reason for it and not just the fact I am quiet and introverted and my entire nature is one that is based on listening to people and being a kid that people can slap over the head every time if they wanted. Apparently it’s a matter of criminal power and I do not mind either, it just does not apply any indications of Royal Estates that I have lost too. I hear that even when I talk I am losing money and they are getting rich of course but so is there is cure for it like there is a cure for being bullied into making bad smells because The Monarchy still stands by me while they are doing it and because the Royal family does as well, everybody wants to play with that too – it is the gamblers share with them all of the time and I need to be put in a position whereby I demand too much from the Monarchy and become a problem in a process and the way to make that happen has always been through the route of clipping my finances – so that I will have a Court for instance which comprises of mistresses that help me put society in order and when people want to go further with me at Court but will not do so because they fear jeopardising what we already have, what we see is idiots getting off to set up business on my public image and prevent me from changing a good history we already have, never mind the skill they seem to have, to be able to retrieve from the female community, what has been given to them by the Male on account their attitude have been unacceptable, and various other such nonsense they think nobody is clever enough to notice are happening. Much the same with the Court system too; the older court members should be able to help them manage society better but it’s as though the older they are is the more insecure my life itself becomes, hence am better off just getting rid of them and doing what I do with people my age. It’s an old story as I have mentioned before, where one person will do feminism on grounds that two people went out to face the world as a pair but the circumstances changed such that one spent his time beating up the other, as per it is a problem that needs to be dealt with quietly and as a community and sustainably and continuously, while another will take that same platform and set about showing me what it means when Women want to be counted into the UK rich list. I suppose it is the way I react to it that is the problem and that is largely due to the way I organise myself too i.e. when I defend myself from society I always follow a particular way of doing it and I do not tend to mix that with relationships I have with mistresses and it pretty much applies to everything else. As for the story of Politicians and Media choosing my crowd for me and complaining about the consequences after, they love to claim it is where I got hit as well, it is utter nonsense; what has happened is that I decided to show them I was going to set up shop anywhere I liked no matter how uncomfortable it made their electorates and have advised their media idiots to stay out of every issue that concerns a process whereby people turn up to complain about me, as it is a matter of them making use of my Books without paying for it. I have not in any way lost any Royal Estate whatsoever, it’s the same old story where people are stupid and people are selfish and people are evil and so they want to be rich, they want to be important and they want to live on easy street and be famous the criminal power but forget completely that they will need to have talent and follow it on with hard work if they have selected me as chief target for their purposes.
The story always immediately turns into one about how the US is planning to use the wars in the middle east to democratise the world and even the UK when it is done with the Middle East; it would never work of course because they have not attained such a position; I mean somebody messes with my business because social networking is based in the US, his reasons will blow your mind however i.e. that he wants to make you understand how badly women treat people on account you are supportive of women and he intends to make you suffer like he has and when you take a look at him you see a hold think figure getting all over the Media and stock markets and talking nonsense at you with an air of absoluteness all the time; what he actually means but does not have the intelligence to converse is that people of a certain body physique make him uncomfortable, which is pretty much the same thing as the bad way in which Women treat people he is talking about all the time i.e. Women who become savages each time they find them messing with the boys etc. I cannot see how the US is in a position to democratise the world when this problem is so massive that even its own celebrities are losing children to gun violence.
So they say there is world war three in progress and the signs are right; the only world war three I can see of course is the one on Media where people cheat others out of what others have earned and fought for because they achieved it via their body type which is not available to all etc; what is happening in reality however is that people are becoming bolder and bolder at resisting their governments – and the reason is largely fundamental, such as the fact somebody has been approached and advised by far right extremists many times because they are wealthy but have never found themselves in a position of weakness until when Tony Blair took office for 12 years in the UK and Obama after that for 10 in the US: of course they are never going to get off and say they are resisting their government more than they have ever done before, what they will do instead is draw a line around their businesses and the Government will seldom get past it in hell. The story of the stock market and city centre idiots is located in the middle of this matter i.e. it’s all very well complaining about them but if the government continues to give money to stupid people on the basis of seeking trappings of power, business owners and shareholders will continue to feel what the government wishes to deal with is sales people and city centre operatives. It comes down to the same question I asked earlier i.e. why is there so much gay going on these days, is it because we Men have evolved to a level previously undiscovered as such if judged by means of science or that Women are actually the ones who have a far lower level of tolerance for stupid people than we Men do.
Today they became a lot more interested in telling me their bottom hurts for another day and if the matter concerning me over their culture and society is not resolved there will be trouble soon to follow but it never will be; this is because I need the culture and society in my possession for as long as it may be required for me to get my Books sold and take a regular holiday from their stupidities to ensure I am of sound mind for my engagements – I took it from them to ensure they do not get to rip up my finances and make me desperate enough to set up a business that relies on begging them for sales at civil rights. I personally have been clear about two facts on this matter; one of them being that these cultures and societies are things the owners will get back when my finances are free from them of which they can carry on damaging it to ensure they never do if they like, while the other is that if they get on my nerves one more time, over that their stupid need to be rich and famous and important for which I and my person and possessions are set out as the main target in this Country there is going to be real trouble to follow too; in essence their culture and society a complain I hear but I want to know who the hell they are as well; current reality is that people approach me on a business basis when they expect me to expose my heirlooms and whether or not I get those back are usually none of their business but I do expect to make some money and pay my way in the process as well, so they must be getting involved because they are Royalty; hence it feeds into that nonsense about a theory that shows itself in public places all of the time about how I am not important because they can tell who is on grounds that there is somebody that has made a promise to protect them – so I suppose it becomes important to spell it out that I am Royalty and have a personal life that Government and Criminals invite themselves into – they are wealthy people who get approached that extremists on a regular basis and we are worlds apart, so I really want to know what their ‘chief seller status’ that concerns a business empire which happens to be their own, has to do with somebody like me anyway; all we ever get as answer to such a question is another set of nonsense about the importance of living in a free Country while I got a royal commission from the Head of State while I was still a student, given me in my absence, which does not make me a genius; it’s just that there shall be trouble over their culture and society and I want to know who they are anyway – the old story remains the same i.e. we are here because I have shut it down on account I do not want them to be famous and the reasons are that I should take my Christian personality and go out to create a history of preaching so that others can make fame and riches and capitalism and globalisation because that is how the West is built and I am saying they need to use their own lives to do it, while they have been blowing off a big mouth to earn the ultimatum here stated, especially important to be set out over that nonsense concerning how I am a pipsqueak that things I can decide how people should live their stupid lives when that really has nothing to do with anything yet as it were – what has is that it is exactly the same way that stupid culture and society got into trouble in the first place, hence the shutting down of the decadence and popularity because I do not want them to be famous. They do speak of what I cannot take on naturally but it’s an old story of what has become of the criminals that chose another path by going into popular culture and Media as it were; considering it is an eventuality that I created with my own hands by putting that stupid culture up for sale so they can chase their own lives like they make others with glee every time as it were; the last time one of them got to piss me off in a memorable way was when an idiot attended a cocktail party hosted by Mr Obama in the US and showed up after with a white towel around his neck to blab at me about the interests of Muslims in the United States which then stretches around the world as it were, despite the fact the Middle east was still burning.
I mean you can speak to the arms Industry except the scum in Europe, about making weapons that facilitate organised criminals sitting about with tools they can express aesthetics of their deadly violence with on your equities but cannot make Media and Popular culture listen; we hear of the part Politicians play in the matter instead which is not a new story since we have always been aware that a fight with those is the answer to everything; provided you show that you had tried and failed to do the academic work and the jobs bit first as it were; otherwise there would be no point for the idiots to send out people to rip up your income everyday for a decade and a half blabbing a about jobs you get around communities taking from them, for which they have no evidence to prove, save the fact it is a sensation their media idiots have provided them as it were. So we are getting to a point where there will be a reckoning over that stupid need to leave home and kiss goodbye families and show up at government buildings to pretend to be dogs while I am the carcass or something as it were. To which it concerns, their idiots always speak of my behaviour having a tendency to cause civil unrest, whereas we know that our fellow employers have half their minds firmly lodged in a corner whereby they were famous and that people generally have no right to feel good especially when they are at work etc, concerning which we also hear the idiots at government buildings talk nonsense about the economy for it endlessly as if they actually know what they are talking about too. Hence I do get told that I talk but they are making money and going places, which is not actually the truth: the truth of which is that some scumbag is giving them money to wind me up and is hoping to get it back later and what I need to do is to ensure they do not plug any stupid products into my public image or business to do so which is the reason we are in this position and everybody knows I have implored Media idiots and popularity fools to stay out of the matter, more times than I can remember as it were but they always chose to approach me with insulting financial bullying like they have got the power instead. in the end the Prime Minister and the Cabinet are the big show anyway; one of these days, the rest are going to answer clear questions regarding the getting around local communities to steal their jobs bit, prove their theory with that stupid sensation that media has given them as it were. I believe a major aspect of the problem is that these goons are able to express themselves all over my charitable activities, of which I largely believe other Royals to have a better arrangement than I do and therefore really needed as such but each time they do, it is not the one where they make out that they care about other people, the one that made them rich as well, at the end of which they bellow stupid threats at me because they want to be rich and important every day.
So they say I know much about the economy which in actual fact I don’t but what it is said for is so that another conversation might be developed which says that people like me always end up leading extremist groups and telling lies to a bitter end – I however know nothing much about the economy at least not to a Government level, what we have here are a group of politicians we see ever so often at the Banking and Manufacturing sector talking about economy right up to a point where what they are doing is ever so clearly obvious to the most basic economic mind which means they are actually doing nothing about the economy and show up at manufacturing and Banking all the time, trips paid for by the tax payer, for something else entirely.
I mean some people might say that because they are interested in the purchasing power of the rich, they are largely interested in the economy as a whole but I can always take care of myself either by inventing my own stupidities which I can insert into the concerns of the rich if they bother me or make use of their own which I was not taught at Church anyway. In the end they cannot pin it on me like leading extremist group stuff etc and can complain about how I make trouble for them and run away so they might spend time fixing it while I have fun but the reality is that I dropped out of University 8 years ago because of them and they are still having fun with it; I mean I am not the bad person for telling BMW Manager that I do not know what he is talking about but I can work hard for instance but I am the one being punished while privileges are doled out for those who want to live out a useless existence while spending their time seeing if others can be forced to do violent things and give up a public image to those who want to steal it and make riches and fame with. It’s much the same as when the Politicians blab that I cannot handle the fame and fortune gangs, which make me wonder all the time if it is an actual challenge.
They do say these things and the fact it’s about a process of countering their need for power is an example which expresses the fact Royalty is stupid; I don’t mind anyway, after all the other side of course being that I mess up their culture and society and I will not tolerate it if it has no wish to be nice when it shows up around my case; if it has no wish to ask before it takes and has no wish to thank when it uses and has no wish to buy when it is for sale, if it continues, then I get to cut it up every time it shows up around my concerns to make me sick as well and with respect to dropping out of University of which but for their intervention, I would have done it all and ended up with a University degree so they can end up with a real problem too. I shut it down as it were because I do not want them to be famous and if they need it so much know how to inherit it from somebody else that actually worked for it or work for it themselves – with respect to not being able to take on the fame and fortune gangs all together of which is an old story of what will happen when I get hold of that stupid marijuana business markets again. It is obviously the only single career colloquialism they have i.e. whether what others have got befits their size and I suppose that is why I have dropped out of University too i.e. now that they know what I have, to make somebody else more qualified than I am, looking for trouble – needs to stop having the fun as it were. We see it every time whenever they want to speak of how I suppose I am clever but am not whereas what happened at University was that I tried to get through a First degree with very depleted resources – it was a time when broadband dongle would set you back some £150 to £200 and then you will have to have a credit rating to sign a contracts too – so what usually happened was that they marked wrong my essays and used the content to teach other students, which fed into that process where their civil rights generally meant if they asked me and I gave it because I was generous, that would make them inferior, so there had to be a way to take without asking, so yet again I did shut it down because I do not want them to be famous; they have to work for it or inherit it from somebody that did and if they get on my nerves further and threaten me over that stupid need to be rich and famous there is going to be trouble for them too and I should add that it is especially so for the Media ones. They do say they have gotten me to see how hard people had to work to be where they are Today but it’s an old story; if they want me to work hard I work hard, when it hurts the celebrities that exhibit themselves all over my Public image get one as well and nothing gets changed unless the Politicians set out to change something physically and then we have to listen to all those complains. They do say it is all talk from me and that there is actually nothing I can do of course but it’s an old story; the last time they spoke of what I couldn’t do, it ended with a case involving the Unions and the need to rebuild the entire Labour Party and nobody has been able to approach me on that issue to this day while they are still struggling and fighting for their lives because of it – it feeds into this whole case of what my problem with Public transport operatives really is whereas the reality is still that when my bottom hurts there has to be a reason I have deserved it and it shouldn’t just happen because I am like a grown up child people want to bully and push around to satisfy a desire – I mean I know the reason is that I am a writer and that I work hard on my Books alright but to be a success I must work hard enough to secure a large contract for it and so it is the very idea of large contract for a writer that these guys who are more deserving of my income have a problem with but I want to know what those who show up in government to give them a means of having those incredibly stupid conversations that makes people lose hope in humanity think the reason is. I believe what I say is very clear when I mention that they need to work for it or inherit it from somebody that did and continuous hounding of me over their need to get rich and famous and important will lead to trouble and problems for them soon enough was enough really is enough too around here; they were warned early enough about playing with me in such ways if they didn’t want me to play with them like that too.
So we hear them claim I was full of promise and it makes them angry to see somebody like me degenerate into what I have become but it’s an old story; when they have opinions either about how Women should be handled or how bad Women are, they should know I am not interested; we set it out while I was still at University in the first place a long time ago anyway – the main target for these fools to be frank, are usually Women who attend church, maybe much school as well and love classical music etc and it is ever so obvious those kinds of Women do not like them too for obvious reasons, so these fame and fortune and popular culture ones are things they use as smoke screen but this is not my problem, my problem is that I am hated for being this guy that scrutinises every aspects of people’s lives if I get any slight sense they have sex using my person or have been peddling my Public life and image to make money and they are always teaching me lessons by scrutinising and damaging everything I do as well, to make me understand how they feel; hence its possible I am bluffing when I say they need to work for it or inherit it from somebody that did and do that very soon indeed too. So I get asked what my condition is but I am perfectly alright; it’s just an amount of pressure I have never experienced, keeping a security job while holding to Royal Office and looking after a Book sale and Holdings Empire which finances are being damaged – so sometimes I do get out of bed dreading the whole idea of getting to work itself all together because it is a point where I have to push so hard at everything and I want these idiots to stop making a mess of my tummy to begin with and very soon enough for it as well before they have something new to get around complaining about again. They say I had this existence others could deploy to get rich and comfortable but decided to keep it all to myself and cause suffering instead but it is my life and they are done showing me how stupid my religion is, it will be over only after I am done showing them how stupid their existence is too; this case where they are stuck between a rock and a hard case and do not even have access to me at all in the first place, to begin with is only a start of it. It’s not a case of matters I cannot handle, the story of what I cannot handle is a familiar one; the reality is that these fools who only want progress where they step over me and always want to cheat me out of the benefits of what I fight for and work for always want to make deals with what they know is pure evil because the ability to exhibit a little of the wickedness to push people around and get by can make them rich but knowing those risks set about ripping up my finances and challenging me to what I can do or not when they claim my Public image as their own, so it does seem their very lives are becoming a real problem all together especially on that stupid media. I mean if you do nothing about it, the result will be the same set of activities around any jobs you have and those who had any position of leadership in an establishment which employed you will leave the jobs and they will take over and your bottom will hurt every single time that you attend work; so in my view they do it because they think they have the power first of all and also because they want a piece of me as well – so that the outcome is always supposed to be their deals with evils they stop you from protecting yourself from, that will then leave you exposed as the person that tried to take it on and will sacrifice you to ensure they make use of some of that wickedness to get rich and comfortable, then get rid of the extreme practices and make it all go away in that manner, blabbing about which ones I cannot actually handle. So in terms of where I really should be, that is an old tale of what these evil goons want you to spend your time reacting to; so I have subjected myself to the conditions that make people want to take the law into their hands and then the ones that make people talk about evils of society which is the one that they are most impressed by, then the one where people want to change things around them, then the ones where people don’t care, then the ones where people care because they have money etc, in order to try and understand how to live with people this stupid and it was worth it too – especially when we speak of socialist plans to secure successful people detached from their incomes whose secretes can be bullied out of them for the common good supposing those people do not have human rights as well that is; the idiots have gone from being stuck between a rock and a hard case over the matter of what I cannot do to defend myself which ended with Unions problems and the need to rescue their entire Political parties, to fighting for their lives all together since they are usually successful when they are stupid. So they say Journalists need a bit of respect from me as well; utter nonsense of course as respect was never the issue but finding out who the hell they are when they demand a certain respect that is befitting that was the issue. The number of times I have dislodged myself from putting up some reason to tease them every day and keep it going until somebody confronts me physically because he is a journalists over the same behaviour as it were but nothing has changed about them continuing to chase my Book sale finances to rip up my career and do something to expose me to crime because they want me to perform a fight that will take care of them while they sell on the prerogative and get connected after. It’s the best advice I am aware of i.e. if only journalists paid attention to the one that actually pays their salary and let be; they are the physical version of their Politicians who know what absolutely everything they come across should be used for, especially the need to force it to when it does not want to be used that way.
So they say they have saved me from violence for more times than they could possibly remember; I wouldn’t know anyway, all I know is that it is the violence where Politicians chose my crowd all the time and it is a matter of people who spend time living their days out in very useless ways, so that any little regard left in them will be respect only for those who are paying for it and I am doing either the bit about appreciating their madness or paying for their respect anyway for my part. It is a question I must answer as to whether they are so unreasonable and having so much fun with the bullying that they can only be made to behave by means of repression – so I do not see how they save me from violence when I ensure they have no loutishness to do sales with on account their celebs are having too much for instance among many other means of social control especially the one where I am the most selfish person on the planet whose personality cannot be peddled by others that need the fame and fortune more than he does. My face does not say anything; what they mean is their interpretation of the effects of my impetuousness – when I got my first job and failed to handle the tummy issues properly and got really scared and paranoid and did damage to my own body in the process which means any scum can turn up to make me smell and any stupid communities right down to public transport goons can set me up for violence because I refuse to allow myself to be used by those who have needs – it seems these idiots always want me to become more concerned with those that are so insane that they are not a threat to anybody and so while they should pay attention to what really matters never actually do because they are driving themselves to mental illness and believe everybody will be willing to give them the opportunity to do harm and stand in a law Court to blab about insanity and diminished responsibility, hence they live the way they do because they actually do think it is a clever thing to do – they do not save me from violence. Cannot handle it, telling me what to do when they get told they are the things Women keep secretes about as well considering it’s all about making and forcing me to do something about Women because that appears to be the only thing restricting their foolish progress; I mean in the end I have explained it before that there are people with personalities that simply invite rape and murder and that they will never run from it because they think what awaits them on the Media is worse but these guys do not see any reason to change a behaviour, what they think they want to stop is a process where I enjoy disrupting criminal activity, they enjoy punishing me for it while they are in a position to be some easy target for these Women. It is an old story of playing around and even now they speak of me describing myself as a hard worker because in my view others do not exist in my world and I have it to myself but it seems generally that people are not considering seriously the fact their biggest problem stems from pushing me out of my studies for the younger ones especially and then especially for the older ones, telling me what to do endlessly; I have tried to explain that I am always open because it is how I gather my information on what The Queen and Government and or Church wants me to do and in that way am I also open to any criminals that want to invite themselves too - it is not for idiots especially black people to tell me what to do with, it is not for them and I cannot put it any better as it were, the foolish people issue.
Posted by Ikpe Uno.